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Borderlands 2 Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage Walkthrough Part 5 – Battle: Bar Room Blitz

Borderlands 2 Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage Walkthrough Part 5 – Battle: Bar Room Blitz

Head on down the stairs after accepting the mission and through the double doors. Open them up and take stock of the situation. You have Rats, Torque Architects, Psychos, Badass Enforcers and Burner Bruisers. The forces beyond the door will not attack until you enter the room or you fire on them. Use this to your advantage when starting into this mission. From the door you started at: there is the main room, directly in front of you. Above you is a balcony that can be reached from the rear room and the room to the right. To the right is an additional room with an elevator. Behind the bar itself you will find a back room.

This is hardly going to be a walk in the park though you can make it easier. Because of the stairs you get a natural choke point. Using this you can somewhat control the flow of the enemies coming at you. This makes it a lot easier to simply pull a few enemies in at a time and kill them off before dealing with the rest.

Once the fighting starts, whatever peace stood in the room, is gone. The various factions will start attacking each other in addition to  the Vault Hunter. The hardest part is you have a limited amount of time to get through the whole mission: 5 Minutes. It is a lot of time but that can change if you start dying a bit in the brawl.

Start with the lower area and thoroughly clear it out. There are plenty of enemies to tear through. This is a good place to start with some explosives or a good grenade or two. If you are a crack shot then go for the heads of the Architects first as they are shielded and pose more of a threat than the Rats and other foes.

When you have cleared the first room, make a run for the back room. There are usually a few more enemies to be found with a Badass or two. Be sure to check each Badass you kill for Torque Tokens. It takes a good number to get anything from the Torque Machines but most of it is worth it.

After clearing out the the fore and rear rooms on the lower level find the stairs leading up. There is only a little more to fight through here. It is a number more Architects and some Badasses so be ready for them. Just take things slowly.

If the timer is still running and you cannot find anything more to kill, go over the whole of the bar. Kill whatever you find then head on up the stairs back to the battle board. This will let you participate in 2 additional brawls here for additional Torque Tokens and fame.