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Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough Part 24 – Garrison Liberation Part 5

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough Part 24 – Garrison Liberation Part 5

Garrison (X:464.7, Y:333.5)
This garrison houses 5 soldiers that patrol around portions of the garrison itself. Close to the Mega-Shield controls you will find a Heavy keeping watch as well. Toward the Northern end you will also find a Charger that is keeping watch with a Soldier nearby. Most of the fighting force is focused in the center of the Garrison nearby the Mega-Shield controls.

This garrison is set up in a way, that you can easily zipline in without being detected. Just head to the Northeast of the facility and follow the power cable. It will lead to the satellite location which is not directly guarded. There are some random patrols in the area but taking the zipline in gives you a wonderful position to deal with the rest of the mission at hand. This is because the zipline deposits you nearby one of the 2 Alarm posts and Rex is also very close to the Mega-Shield control panel. This makes it a lot quicker and easier to deal with the rest of the forces.

Disabling the Alarm & Mega-Shield
Zipline in from the North and you will land on a post that will make this part a lot easier. Throw some dice at the ramp to the East. This will lure a few of the guards down it and allow you to easily reach the Alarm post and disable the alarms for this garrison. Head to the Southwest from the Alarm. You will find the control panel to the right of the structure and on the edge of the railing.

Taking over this garrison gives you 2 Predator's Path quests: “Unique Horn Dragon” and “He's Not Heavy. He's Big Boned”.

Garrison (X:523.1, Y:368.8)
This garrsion has 1 Braincaged Blood Dragon nearby it. This also presents an interesting twist on the matter. The dragon will go on its usual killing spree until the braincage is removed. Keep that in mind for later. There are 8 soldiers spread throughout the compound and 1 Heavy. 1 patrols along the Eastern side. You will find another watching the vehicles in the hanger. To the West of him there are 2 more guards watching the Braincaged Blood Dragon and anything coming in from the West.

Disabling the Alarm
Head to the Northern side of the garrison and then work your way quickly to the around to the Eastern portion. You will find a walkway below you that you can drop down to or you can just approach straight on. Look to the East and watch where the soldier patrolling stops. He pauses just in front of the alarm controls. Rex will want to move in and take him down quickly while he is looking out of the Eastern side. After that just disable the alarm and you do not have to worry about it anymore.

Disabling the Mega-Shield
From the Alarm you just need to head a short ways over to the South. Take out the 1 guard that patrols into the corner and drag his body into the nearby building to hide it. This ensures the corpse will not be spotted by the rest of the groups, having them briefly go into an alert mode. Now you have 2 options. Head to the South then West and go up the ramp to reach the Mega-Shield controls. The alternative is to head for the 1 guard in the Southern portion by the ladder on the Southern side of the central building and climb up it.

Liberating this garrison will give you the Hostage Rescue “Everyone's On A Boat” and the Predator's Path “Turtle Killer.”