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Heart of the Swarm Campaign- Umoja: Lab Rat (Part 1)

After an intro sequence explaining how the scene has shifted from a torn battlefield at the end of Wings of Liberty to a laboratory now, you are given your overview in a large room containing six patches of minerals.  Valerian Mengsk, the 'renegade' son of Arcturus Mengsk, has released a drone into the room for Kerrigan to attempt to control- for whatever reason, he believes that such a test will allow him to determine how much Kerrigan is still affected by the mutations that the Zerg made to her.

Your first task is simple- click on the drone to select it.

Once Valerian and Sarah have confirmed that she is in control, your next task is to use the drone to make a hatchery.  There is a set location on the field for you to place the hatchery in- you won't be allowed to place it in any other spot, so go ahead and drop it there.  Once the hatchery completes, it will automatically select one of the mineral patches as its go-to waypoint for drones it creates.

Valerian releases a set of six drones into the room with the hatchery, which you are to use to harvest minerals for the hatchery as it builds up more larvae.  Valerian and Kerrigan will have a short conversation, establishing that overlords will be necessary to produce any more drones- the young Mengsk accepts this and tells Kerrigan to go ahead.

When you've produced at least one overlord, Valerian comms in again to say that this was all that he planned to test, but he wants to try a bit further- he requests that Kerrigan turn a drone into a spawning pool.  Again, you are given a designated location, which is the only location you are allowed to place the spawning pool in.  Once the spawning pool is underway, Kerrigan points out to Valerian that this is going to go badly- and when it's complete, she encourages Valerian to check it out in person.

Refusing, Valerian declares the test complete and congratulates Kerrigan on her good work- but Sarah, still sounding amused, points out that he 'should check this out'- and prepares to make zerglings (which of course means you'll have to do it) using the hatchery's larvae.