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Metro: Last Light Walkthrough Part 22 – Undercity, Part 2

Metro: Last Light Walkthrough Part 22 – Undercity, Part 2

As you get toward the light you will see more Nosalise in front of you. The best thing to do is head over to the left There is a single Nosalise in your way here so quietly kill it. Head to the far side and look up the ramp. At the top is another Nosalise. Snipe it before even touching the ramp as it will notice you otherwise. If it does, you will have a few Nosalises to kill and a pair of mutants that can daze Artyom with a sonic attack. Head on up the ramp from there and over to the left.

Head forward and approach the edge of the ledge carefully then drop down. Now you have another room full of Nosalises to deal with. You can slip through pretty easily along the left-hand side. Once you make it to the far left-hand side through you need to cross over. A fight becomes inevitable. Kill all 5 of the creatures then head for the right-hand passage by the base of the elevator.

Approach the elevator and interact with the lever on the left-hand side of it. You will now need ot fend your way through a few waves of Nosalises. Just like when waiting for the Ferryman, it is a very good idea to equip and use Incendiaries as they will make some of the approaches to Artyom impassable without getting lit on fire. It also helps to lay down some of the claymores. With some luck they will actually catch a few Nosalines in a single burst. You need to keep at the fight until you hear something let loose a long and deep bellow. After that turn around and quickly get into the basket. Artyom will automatically make it rise.

When the basket stops get out and start down the passage in front of you. Just head on forward and start across the bridge. A creature will appear and attack you. The trick to this whole encounter is to get to smash through the numerous pillars in the area. Each takes 2 hits from it. Once all the pillars are down the creature will smash through a hole in the wall and then run off. Follow it on through.

Advance into the next room. Search the sides to find more ammo that you can replenish your stocks with. After that head on through to the next room. Once again you are going against that massive creature, The Rhino, “Big Momma.” This time there are a few Nosalines that are helping it out. Do not shoot the creature, focus all your fire on the Nosalines.  Take them out while, once again, steering the creature toward the pillars. There are a lot more in this room but it is apparent they are supporting a lot more as well. Even when you do not take down the ceiling, it will have done a lot of damage to the Rhino. From there just lob a stick of dynamite at it. Time it to explode underneath it and the Rhino will go down in one. From there just sit back and enjoy the cutscene.