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Heart of the Swarm Campaign- Skygeirr: Infested (Part 4)

This leaves you with only the base in the Northwest corner to handle- and it's a bit of a tough one.  Not only is it very large and spread out, but there are a few locations at the top of the first 'cliff' leading into it where the Dominion not only has siege tanks entrenched, but will replace them and resume bombarding your troops at the first available opportunity. 

The first 'level' of the base as a whole is very broad, and includes several platforms offsides where missile turrets are guarding giant anti-starship cannons, all set to mung up any attempts you make to scout with overlords or perform an end run with mutalisks.  For all that, only a standard assault force is actually necessary to take the base, as you don't have any garrisons to overtake there and the troops from all of the virophages are headed for the second 'level' where the main gate awaits anyways.  You should focus your assault troops on taking out the production buildings on the first 'level', as the disposable infested terrans are much less crippling to lose in straight assaults and equally capable of handling the main force when it's not being replenished by the rest of the Terran base.  If you’re feeling really patient and stand-offish, you can even just wait for the infested Terrans to take down the entire base, but there’s really no advantage to be gained by it and it tends to take a while, so you might as well move in and finish things off.

Once the doors are surrounded, either by your troops or by the mindless infested Terrans, it's broken open in short order- and so it's time for Kerrigan to head in and see what there is to this research facility.  You will soon find, though, that more than just the Dominion waits within.  In fact, the scientists in here are most likely the least of your worries.  An echo of the past begins arriving here, something initially foreshadowed during the original Starcraft game, in a secret extra mission...

And it wants the Swarm.