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Remember Me Walkthrough Part 2 – Episode 1: Low Life/Low Tech (Metro Corridor to Old Souk End)

Remember Me Walkthrough Part 2 – Episode 1: Low Life/Low Tech (Metro Corridor to Old Souk End)

As Nilin sits in the coffin she begins to panic some. The voice introduces himself as Edge and tells Nilin he has to prepare her for what is waiting outside. He goes on for a while explaining just what they, the Errorist, had been doing. Edge had failed them and they were rounded up and imprisoned. He explains more. After a while the coffin opens. She is by the Metro Station in Slum 404: home of the Leapers. The Leapers let Nilin out of her coffin and then she finds herself in battle.

Welcome to combat in Remember Me. It is not the hardest thing at all: you have Dodging, Punches, Kicks and Jumping. As you go through the fight you will have dodging explained to you as well as how to set up your Pressens for Combat. This is a key ability you will need as Pressens let you fight and add more power to your blows among other things. Get through the first few Leapers. Use this time to get acquinted with the basics of the combat.

When the fight is over go forward and over to the left. Time to start climbing. It is very easy to get up through the first climbing section. Jump up onto the ledge and head over to the right. Climb up to the next platform and move over to the wall, past the news broadcast. It is after the second wall you will want to look for toppled blue car just to the right of where you land. Head around it and go between the wall and the car. Here you will find the first of the Mnesist Memories: "Founding Of Neo-Paris (2053)". Grab it then turn to the wall and climb up onto the first grab point. Shift over to the right and then jump to the next ledge. Jump up from there to progress in the climbing sequence. At the top of the scamper go over to the left then jump. Shimmy to the end of the ledge then jump again. Go over to the left, past the block then have Nilin pull herself up and start going forward.

It is a long trek so keep at it. When you get to the crushed metro train enter the car on the left. Once inside go to the right and to the very end of the train. This will take you outside the car. Go over to the right to find the next Mnesist Memory: "The 'Nyphea' hospital ship". Now have Nilin head on up the slope through the rest of the Metro Car. This will lead her out of the depths and to the top of Slum 404. Time to start looking for the Leaking Brain and find Headache Tommy.

Approach the ledge and drop down onto it. Drop to the ground after that and then go forward. Head across the bridge and press on to the left. You will see a Leaper run away from Nilin. Head over to the left after that, following the Advert Drone across the next bridge.

On the far side of that bridge you will want to go over to the left and jump onto the glowing light. From there jump again to continue your climb up. Go over to the riught and climb up onto the next level of the platform. Follow the Leaper as it runs to the left. Nilin willk be stopped by an Errorist Memory that has been left nearby. Head over to the photograph and look at it. It corrosponds with the area directly across the bridge from you. Cross over the bridge and look to the right. You will see an orange glowing box on the ground. Go over to it and interact with it to get your first SAT Patch. For every 5 of these you collect, Nilin will gain more health.

Go over to the left now and start climbing the building with te Red Cube logo, this is the logo of Memorize. Go to the left of the Logo and move up to the next ledge. Shimmy over to the left and Back Jump off the wall onto the opposing wall. From there, hit the prompted button to climb over the ledge and get to the platform on the other side. Drop down and start toward the Leapers you see in front of you. Nilin has to fight more Leapers. One of them will manage to jump her and drain most of her health in a quick go. This will unlock Nilin's 5-hit Combo and 2 Regen Pressens. Install them into the 5-Hit combo so she can quickly recover some Health. Rememer: Kick, Punch, Kick, Punch. It is a good idea to finish this combo with a Power Pressen to maximize the damage. You can also set the Regen Pressen to the 3-Hit Combo but you can get more out of the 5-Hit.