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Remember Me Walkthrough Part 40 – Episode 7: Paradise Lost (Mall Entry Lift to Bar)

Remember Me Walkthrough Part 40 – Episode 7: Paradise Lost (Mall Entry Lift to Bar)

On the other side you will find a powered down door to the left. Head on over to the right as you need to find a Charge for it. As you enter the new corridor to the right you will be attacked by 2 Elite Heavy Enforcers. Get some space then blast the C3 shields with the Junk Bolt. After that just defeat them as you normally would: Regen heavy combos or Sensen Camo for a quick take down on one. After that scape head into the apartment on the left, “205”. Inside there you will find a Mnesist Memory: “Deluge 2.0” to the left of the Valet washing the window.

Turn around and look to the left of the door Nilin came through. You will find a Fire Door Control Panel you can pull a Charge from. Get close to the doorway and pull out the Charge. A Glass Firedoor will start to descend. Head out of the doorway and back to the main hall. Go to the left first though. Look in the back left corner to find a Scaramech that is well hidden to the right of the benches. Now head back to the far end of the hall through the door. Now throw in the Charge into the Elevator there. Head on in and it will start for 103rd floor. It stops just before that floor.

Head on out to the walkway and start moving forward. Head around the whole of the area to the top of the escalators. Pause at the top and look over to the right. Just past Happy Place is a blocked off shop, “Men's House”. Head to the rubble nearby it and look into the window on the right. You will find a Scaramech spinning around there. Use the Spammer to lock onto it and blast it away. After that go on down the escalator. A cutscene runs with Leapers attacking Enforcers who are erecting a barricade as civilian flee. Nilin needs to head into that battle and come out on top.

At the bottom of the escalator the fighting resumes after Nilin goes to the right and hops over the box on the left. The battle starts with 2 Reconversion Leapers and 1 Skinner. Take them down and another Skinner Leaper will appear with 6 Reconversion Leapers backing it up. Focus on building up Focus and taking down the lower tier Leapers first. As the fight wears on a Second Skinner will join in and a few more Reconversion and Prowler Leapers will join in as well. A good thing to do toward the end of the fight is to use Sensen DOS then Fury to quickly dispatch both of the Skinners in only seconds.

With the fight down head for the door leading to the Sans-Soucis Bar. Open it with the Spammer and go on down the stairs. At the base of the stairs look to the right and up nearby the ceiling. You will find a Scaramech twirling around there. Grab it by shooting it the Spammer then go around the corner to the left and through the door there. She catches up with Trace for a moment but he manages to evade her just a little longer. Open the door to keep in pursuit of him.

In the next room move forward carefully. There is a Security Drone to the left of you that you need to worry about. To get past this drone you will want to tail it to the far part of the area with the couches then move between the wall and the couches to avoid the Security Drone. After that let it sweep past you then continue to the end of the hall. Head into the doorway on the right and look to the right just inside the door. You will find one of the few remaining SAT Patches. Head on back to where Nilin came in, evading the Security Drone once again. Head up the short set of stairs after that.

Trace will yell at Nilin to leave him alone. Go over to the left after that and head into the Private Party area there. You have 2 Security Drones to avoid. Just sweep around the bar to the right and back around to the stairs. Climb up the stairs and go to the back right part. There you will find a Mnesist Memory: “Sensen 6: Response To The Memo Criminals”. After hat turn to face the piano in the center of the room. You will find a Scaramech spinning around there that you can easily claim from this raised area. Leave the Private Party and head out through the door on the far left.