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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 7 – Chapter 2: The Quarantine Zone (The Warehouse: The Cargo)

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 7 – Chapter 2: The Quarantine Zone (The Warehouse: The Cargo)

Marlene is obviously on the run from the Military and the patrol showing up does not help matters too much. Start sprinting forward and over to the left. Go to the right of the stairs first and search the first table you see there. You will find a number of Parts and other useful things there. With those items in hand head on up the stairs that Marlene went up. Go forward then turn left at the chain-link fence. From there hop the crates and then climb onto the next set next to Marlene. She will pull down a ladder. Let her go up first then follow her on up. Take the stairs up to the rooftop.

Once you have made it to the rooftop go over to the right and approach Marlene. She will start moving around across the rooftop. Follow Marlene's lead to the busted out window. Head on in with her after that. Go straight to the table in front of you and pick up everything you can. Then over forward and to the right to where she is and help her open the metal door. First, hit “Triangle” to have him grab on. After that have him move to the right to slide it with Marlene's help.

Start moving forward amongst the crates around you. The goal is to ultimately get to the door on the far side of this area. When you get to the first row of crates break off to the left where Marlene is and head on up the stairs. Go to the right after that and take a crouch next to her. She explains that she has this part and needs Joel to head over to the left and deal with the rest of them.

Hop over the crate that sits beyond the left-hand door and move up to the doorway on the right. Take down the Soldier there in coordination with Marlene and start forward. Head over to the right and move against the side of the building. Keep inside and you will be able to avoid detection and likely find more Parts. Get to the far end of the warehouse you are in and Tess will call out some Soldiers to the right. Go to the left-hand window and slip outside. Grab him and take him down quietly. Ignore the guard that is to the right of the crates. Keep to the left-hand side of them and in cover as you approach the bridge.

Head over to the opposite side using cover. It should not be too hard to avoid being spotted by the soldiers. Stay in the back part and hurl either a bottle or a brick to the right of the bridge. This will draw the soldiers away along enough for the party to make it all the way to the left and start toward the stairs.

As you get to the top of the stairs there is likely another bottle. Grab it and throw it down the stairs. This will draw the attention of the soldier on the stairs so you can take him down quietly without alerting the others too much. Quickly head around the corner after that and into the deep-set door. Open it up and everyone else will run through. On the other side of the door Marlene tells you that it is not far now to their destination. Press on with her. This will get you through to the bakery. The rest is the cutscene where Joel and Ellie meet. The deal is made clear and things press on from there. Tess wants to verify the guns before Joel does anything. A plan is struck quickly and things are ready to move on.