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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 34 – Chapter 5: Pittsburgh (Hotel Grand: Kitchen)

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 34 – Chapter 5: Pittsburgh (Hotel Grand: Kitchen)

Head on through the door and up the stairs to get out of the area with the Spores. Open the door at the top to make it through to the kitchens themselves. Go over to the left as you emerge from the door. Open the next door there. You will find a few Crafting Items and Parts in this small storage room so give it a quick once over. After that head into the small office opposite the storage room. Look around there to find some Supplements and a Work Bench if you want to upgrade any of your weapons. Finally head into the bathroom to the right. Look around there to find some ammo and a brick if you need something to throw. With all that in hand head to the end of the hall and go through the door there to move forward.

As you go into the kitchen crouch and move over to the cooler on the left. Just watch as the Hunters come into the room and take down the Clicker without any trouble. Now wait for the one who has gone down the middle of the kitchen to turn his back on you. Move up and take him out. The second Hunter will enter the kitchen and be calling out to his compatriot. Move up along the left-hand side of the grills. As the second Hunter enters the kitchen and start to explore he will likely notice his friend and start moving in. Take him down as he moves toward the body before he can raise an alarm. With those 2 down you can seek out the freezer and check it over. It is in the back left portion of the kitchen, not too far from the cooler you initially hid behind. You will find some Crafting Items in there. After that start on forward.

Move toward the crossover to the dining room itself now. Head on in and use Listen Mode to track down the 2 remaining Hunters in this immediate section. Wait them a while and you will see they have a criss-crossing pattern of patrol. Just wait for them to be facing different directions or be far part. Either is simply a matter of waiting for the right opportunity. Advance to the buffet table and lurk there for the first of the guards to move past you and toward the farther corner of the room. Move up on him and take him down. After that it is a simple matter of taking your time to get the second Hunter who patrols closer to the windows. He pauses at a few points in his patrol. Find one of those and take him down.

With the dining room clear head to the front right of it and search around. You will find some Parts around the front right area. Grab them then head for the front left side of the room. Look to the left of the water on the ground to find a ladder. Grab it and put it against the wall where you see the clothing hanging down, just to the right of the door itself. Head on up.

At the top of the ladder be ready as a QTE will trigger. It is 2 cases of button mashing to get on through the scenes. Ellie will save Joel by shooting the Hunter right in the head. Climb back up the ladder then go to the left. Cut through the presentation room and continue to the left. Head through the doors there to get up the upper portion of the restaurant. Slide along the right-hand to get at the loft bar. Go and search around the room. On the couches you will find Parts and to the right of that, on the end table, you will find the a Comic Book for Ellie. Take a little time to look behind the bar as well for some Crafting Items. Head on through the rest of the restaurant and drop down the stairwell.