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Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon's Keep Walkthrough Part 5 – Anger, Denial, Initiative (Part 3)

Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon's Keep Walkthrough Part 5 – Anger, Denial, Initiative (Part 3)

Just on the other side of the tunnel you will find more Vending Machines if you need to restock. Deal with the skeletons and get to vitality grove. There Davlin will ask you to find him the final Blood Fruit and he will attempt to undo the spell. At this point it gets revealed that Davlin is the Handsome Sorcerer. He will cast the Ghost King Spell and send 4 Kings after you and Roland. Time for you to get back to work on the boss fights.

The Spell sends out 1 King at a time and deal with the Skeletons as they present a threat. The first is king Aliah. All the skeletons are armored but otherwise, flesh and blood (such as they are). Shoot off the armor and you can get at the softer, more vulnerable frame of the Skeleton beneath. Use them to get Second Winds as needed. As for the King he has laser beam eyes and a mace he loves to swing around. This makes him effective at close to mid-range.  Just blast away at him to cut through his health and take him down along with whichever of his skeletons are needed. Like all the skeletons he does not have an elemental weakness. The best thing to do is use Explosive type ammo. They all move more than slow enough so you can get plenty of damage in without too much hassle. This also has the advantage of a small radius, making it easier to deal with the skeletons nearby him. Weapons with a moderate rate of fire should work very well (Well-aimed rocket launcher blasts can destroy these fellows with a few rounds).

The Second King is Crono. Be careful as the previous Skeleton King's head can still move around a little and attack. Take a moment to finish it off then work on the new guy. The battle remains much the same from the first part with Crono swinging his mace around and shooting eye beams. If one of the skeletons gets skewered by one of Roland's swords you can pull it out to create an area burst to hit all the foes in the area. When the second king goes down his head will take flight but stay close to ground level. Take it out to avoid it running into you and ruining some of your day.

The third king, Seth, handles like the previous 2 Kings. Avoid the bursts from his eyes and his mace. Once again, use the other Skeletons for your second winds and to just keep moving. When the King goes down his head will break off and start flying like the others. Gun it down to avoid the damage it can do to you.

After the head goes down the fourth and final king, Nazar, will descend the steps. Move in and deal with him. He has the same weapons and attacks. Keep at what you have been doing for the whole fight: take down the whole then finish off the head.

When you kill Nazar's floating head the spell will end. Take some time to go over the now loot-filled area and collect what you can. After all that talk with Roland the White Knight to complete this mission and move onto the next part of the quest line.