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Deadpool Walkthrough Part 8 – Genosha (Crash Site to Building Interior)

Dead Pool Walkthrough Part 8 – Genosha (Crash Site to Building Interior)

With the X-men knocked out from Deadpool flying the Blackbird he needs to go check on them. Head over to Wolverine first. You can learn more about him then interact with him to see how he is doing. Just slap him and keep slapping him until Deadpool gets bored. It takes a while but at least amusing all the way through. Head on through the tunnel ahead after that.

Getting through the tunnel will have you going up against a good sized wave of Soldiers. Mix in your guns with the hacking and slashing to get on through the minions faster. When the fight is going close to its end the ground will start shaking. There is a massive white mutant that will come in and attack Deadpool.

Pull out your guns and start shooting him. If you have Bear Traps, Land Mines, Grenades, or the Shotgun, this is not a bad time to be using them. Start keep some distance from this fellow and you will have little trouble dealing with him. He has a jump slam attack with has an area effect as well as a wave attack he launches straight out with a ground pound.

After the fighting with the big guy, you have a pair of thugs to deal with. Just kill them off and head into the gate they came through. Go on into the sewers and start on forward. Drop down to the bottom then use the walls to jump all the way up to the top. Head on down the passage in front of you and turn to the left when you can. Head to the end of the tunnel and drop into the next room.

There is a good sized squad of soldiers in here for Deadpool to cut his way through. Still, it is better to start off shooting to thin the ranks and draw out the melee fighters. After that you will find another Big Red Marauder coming after you. Once again, use your high combo/high damage guns to take him out quickly and grab his Heavy Grenade Launcher. If he gets lucky and sticks one of the grenades on Deadpool then teleport to shake it off. Finish the fight and you will meet with Cable. Go for the explanation if you want a quick song. Cable explains things but Deadpool is not paying attention. When prompted just pull the gun trigger to end it all.

When Deadpool comes to Cable has stabbed a note into him. Go from there on to the next fight. More soldiers, this time more melee focused. Fight on through them then go through the gateway they came through. The next group of soldiers is more mixed. You have a variety of melee and ranged this round. Pick off the shooters that are above you first to avoid having to worry about them.

Head on under the first bridge and the fight shifts much more toward guns. There are a number of soldiers just shooting at you now. Aim and pick them off quickly and fight your way through to the back part of this area. Here you will find more clones of those big white marauders. This time there is a pair of them for you to deal with in addition to several soldiers. Keep the big ones at a distance and pepper them with bullets while you slice the various limbs and heads off the soldiers (and gun the occasional one down). Be sure to take advantage of all the cover to avoid getting too beaten up. When the fighting is over head for where the group came from and climb on up. Look into the rooms on the left for ammo, DP Points and Tacos. Head along the walkway after that. There are a lot of soldiers shooting at Deadpool so blast them and seek cover as needed to heal up. Head to the far side and look for the wall with the green lights. Wall jump up and then start across the platforms, jumping all the way. On the far side jump against the wall with the green lights to make it up to the next level.