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Deadpool Walkthrough Part 19 – Death, Baby! (Hear No Evil)

Deadpool Walkthrough Part 19 – Death, Baby! (Hear No Evil)

Head over to the green portal that Death opens. Head on in and you have a small group of melee soldiers come after you. Fight on through the first wave then a new archetype of enemy is introduced. This one boosts the damage that the soldiers do. They are just as durable as the rest of them. This means a good shotgun or pulse gun blast and they are dead. Get through 3 waves of the soldiers and a timer starts. You then have to dodge a barrage of grenades for 24 seconds. Just keep moving and teleporting around to avoid getting blown up. After the blasts there is a wave of soldiers. This time with the offensive and defensive buffs being rocked. Kill them and the lift will be lower opposite where you came in. Head over to it and ride it up. Once there go over to the left and start down the hallway. You have a small number of soldiers to kill off. Do so and deal head through the door that opens on the right. There you will find more soldiers to deal with and a lift.

Take the second lift up a level and start off to the right. You will find a good sized group of Gambit clones. The ones that explode on you. Kill them off before they can get close. After that initial group you have another wave of them with a few soldiers that give a boost to them. Kill them all off quickly then head for the end of the hallway interact with the switch on the right to open the door. Crank it up and then go forward and over to the left.

Here you will find more enemies that have locked the doors on you. Time to teach them that was a very bad idea. You have 2 of the Tall Clones that shoot purple bursts of energy from the walls but you also have a new foe. These can spin and form a tornado around themselves. Avoid shooting them at this time as it will be reflected back at Deadpool Get through them and the pair of Tall and Spinny Clones that follow.

With those clones dead head on through the top door on the right, closest to where you entered this area. Kill off all the soldiers and clones in this area (shooter and Gambit clones) during the history lesson. Follow that up by following Death when she appears. She leads you into a catacomb proper. You can find numerous chests here but you need to stay in Death's light as much as possible. Otherwise you start being assaulted by the spirits in the catacomb and they are not too happy about Deadpool being in there. Stay in the light, kill off the one clone that attacks. When you get to the end you will be put to a test.

Start on through the entrance. Jump across the molten river and then down the well. The game shifts to 2D for a while now. Wall jump up and start over to the right. Wall jump off the first wall with the spikes going to the left to claim all the DP Points above you. Drop down after that. This second set of spike traps is not too hard to deal with. Advance onto the first spikes after they retract and the second ones are about to launch. After the second set retracts jump up onto the wall and wall jump to reach the platform above. Now you have a skull shooting smaller skulls at you Dodge the skulls by ducking then jump over to just beneath the big skull. Open the chest then drop down the shaft. If you want to collect all the DP Points then you will be wall jumping back up and dropping down the other side. Go to the left at the bottom, kill off the skeletons and then interact with the lever at the end of it. A door will open at the bottom of the shaft you just dropped from.

Head to the newly opened door and cross through it. Climb up using the teleporter and climb the DP Points. After that pull the lever to close the door and create platforms for you to use to get across the spikes below. Head over to the right using those. Get to the end and wall jump to make it to the next platform above. Head over to the left and wall jump up to the left. You can also go to the right to collect more DP Points. Either way pull the lever and open the door to go through it.