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Deadpool Walkthrough Part 24 – The Road To Victory (Abandoned Building)

Deadpool Walkthrough Part 24 – The Road To Victory (Abandoned Building)

Outside you will be attacked by a few soldiers. There are at least 3 of them to start things off. They are also the kind of clones that launch projectiles at you. Kill them all. With that area clear head down to the far left-hand side so you can find some DP Points. After that jump the gap to get to the other side using one of the broken walkways.

On the other side head on into the cubicled office section and go over to the right. Search around for some DP Points then head back  out to the walkway. Look to the left and you will find a ramp leading upwards. Make for it and head on up it. Turn to the right at the top of it.  Give things a minute and you will be attacked by a White Marauder and several soldiers. Once again be sure to go for the marauder first so you can use his Gatling Gun to just mow down the rest of the troop. At least one of the soldiers can do the tornado trick and reflect shots back at you. Take him out first before he can pull it off against the Gatling Gun. Another of the soldiers will be providing a defensive buff. Make him next on the hit list and deal with the rest from there.

That group is followed quickly by a second that is melee focused and has swords. Hammers are a very good idea as they have little trouble breaking the guard that this foes can use. After them you can finally head on up the stairs and jump-teleport the gap in peace without being shot at frequently.

On the next set of stairs head on up and go over to the left. After that go into the building ahead of you. You will find numerous soldiers. Open fire and aim for the melons for popping effect. Get through them and go for the control console in the back of the hallway. This will open up the passage off to the side of this one. The problem is you then have a swarm of Gambit clones to deal with. And a second. Followed by more Gambit clones with soldiers as well. Kill them all then head on back to the start of the hallway. On the right you will find a newly opened door. Head on through it and go over to the left.

From there go over to the right and jump to the left through the far end of the destroyed windows. Head into the next room after a quick search for DP Points, go to the far side to get more Points, then drop through the massive hole in the floor. Go over to the right and out onto the walkway with the DP Points. Head up the ramp on the left and wall jump to the next level above you. You will briefly find the Sentinel Boot, which then jumps away. It will reveal several clones rushing you. These are the Soldier, Tornado and Clawed variety. Fight through them and into the next building.

Once inside head on over to the left and down the hallway there. At the end of the hallway go on up the stairs to the right. At the top of the stairs head on up the ramp to the left and drop down on its far side. Head on down the hallway and up the next ramp. You will hear some soldiers touch down ahead of you. They will come to you so Deadpool can just wait on the ramp or go charging into them. It starts with a Clawed and Gunner Clone. Head over to the end of the room and more gunners and soldiers will attack. Take them out and teleport out the open window on the right to the far ledge. Turn to the left after that and head on down the next hallway. Go through either open door on the right and drop down the hole in the back of the room. Go up to the door and then enjoy the slow motion section to blast everything that crosses your line of fire. It shifts over to standard combat but likely most of those soldiers are now dead. Finish off any survivors and start on forward.

Head on through to the back of the room and up the stairs. Double-Jump over the gap to get to the other side then go forward and over to the right. Deadpool will go over to that Bicycle he had with him earlier. He will go over to it and get on. Hit the prompted buttons to launch the next crazy track he set up. Now watch as Deadpool sets up a number of different things and then sets it all in motion in glorious explosions.