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Skyrim Secondaries- The Bards’ College: It Draugrs On and On

Using this pull-chain closes the paths that were opened, and opens those that were closed- you will find yourself facing a line of four round rooms.  The first is the room where you entered this area.  The second holds a terrifying Draugr Scourge, which will attempt to Fus Ro Dah you into submission so that it can stab you.  The chamber after that is empty except for a pressure plate that will trigger a dangerous battering-ram trap on the ceiling, and the fourth chamber in the line holds an archer draugr, in addition to a little treasure and a book that grants a rank of skill in Speech.  Take the Scourge out quickly, as it provides the other draugr here with opportunities to transform you into a porcupine, and then flatten its companion- but be careful how you do so, as the path also branches to the left, into a room with another draugr waiting in its vertical creche for any intruders.  You do not want to have to deal with that foe on top of the two you’re already facing.

Once the three have all been dealt with and you’ve pilfered the area of its treasure, proceed past the creche that the third draugr was waiting in and you can walk out of the set of chambers where the ghost passed, albeit not through solid stone as it did.

Another round room waits here, with an already re-killed draugr in it.  There are also a couple of burial urns on the wall beside it, and on the left you can spot the entrance to a further hallway leading downwards.  Mind your step as you reach the end of the stairs, because there is another stone pressure plate here.  Triggering this plate activates a trap that spews flame into the corner steadily for a good fifteen to twenty seconds, so it can be a bit of a pain to wait for the trap to finish before passing through.

As you take the right turn and advance down the corridor, you’ll approach a large room lined with webs.  A pair of large frostvenom spiders will lower themselves from the ceiling of the room, ready to ambush and eat you.  Stealthy adventurers will have the greatest advantage here, getting a chance to watch the spiders drop in and then mill about while unable to locate whatever it was that got their attention to begin with.  More up-front fighters will want to just charge in at top speed so as to minimize the amount of venom-spewing that goes on.

The room itself has a number of interesting features- a large set of shelves with various valuables is on the near end of the left wall of the room, the far end of the same wall has a lower shelf with some equipment scattered around it, the far end of the right wall has a broken shelf with a few more things on it, and there are a few draugr corpses scattered around the room.