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Skyrim- From Calcelmo to Nchuand-Zel: Krag's Camp

Here on the stone bridge lie the corpses of Krag and two more Imperial guards, oddly without any Falmer corpses nor any destroyed Dwemer machines to indicate the responsible party.  Krag’s journal mentions setting up camp here with the help of some guards and protection of some trap runes, with the perception that the location is safe thanks to being easily defensible.  Curiously, while a Dwemer Centurion standing against the nearby tower could theoretically provide an explanation for the deaths of Krag and his guards, the thing is absolutely inert, and even spellfire or arrows will not bring it to activity.

Ascend the ramp from here to reach the last doorway, leading to Nchuand-Zel Control, and a stone ledge that reaches out to the doorway you used to enter the ruin.  Check the ledge quickly for a moonstone ore vein, and then turn your attention from the exit, to the entrance to Nchuand-Zel Control.

Nchuand-Zel control begins with a hallway that has four alcoves.  Two of these are full of active steamworks pumping away and being all decorative.  The second alcove on the left holds various meaningless Dwemer litter, while the one on the right has some usable scrap metal in it.  The hall closes in after this, before opening into a secondary hallway that has more scrap and jukes to the left a ways before stopping at the bottom of a ramp.

This ramp is guarded by a Falmer Gloomwalker and a regular Falmer, who will eagerly advance upon you, heedless of the pressure plate midway down the ramp that triggers a poison dart trap.  A careful fighter can force them to injure or even slay themselves with this trap, and an incautious one will fall prey to the trap themselves, suffering no end of harm from fighting with fuzzy vision.  Once the two Falmer here are dead, ascend the ramp without getting darted into Oblivion and you can come to yet another hallway full of Dwemer scrap.

This upper hallway has a few things making it distinct from the lower one, though.  First of all, a pair of Falmer- again one ‘normal’, the other a Gloomwalker- guard the far end of the hallway, ‘watching’ it and waiting for someone unwary to advance to the middle of it.  The second thing is the trap in the very center of the hallway- a pressure plate here triggers a large, widespread set of spears from the ceiling that will skewer the heads of the uncautious.  Slay the Falmer however you might, although it can be particularly poetic to lure them out to the middle of the hallway and then shoot the trap to trigger it and have it kill them.