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Cubeworld Alpha- General Informational (Part Two)

Since each cube is individually solid and has only one color, the effect is capable of showing more curved surfaces accurately, but colors all become flattened to a point that makes the game more visually reminiscent of old 8 and 16 bit RPGs, with all creatures being structured in a very cute, ‘super-deformed’ or ‘chibi’ style that gives the game a charm more reminiscent of Maplestory or another 2d online RPG.

The world as it currently stands in Cubeworld is a highly dangerous place- since the seed generation is procedural but semi-random, there is no restriction on what level or power of monsters you run into, nor on what number of enemy characters you run into, so traveling is a highly risky activity in a fashion similar to Minecraft- if you explore at high speed without paying attention, you’re going to get yourself killed.

Unlike Minecraft, only certain objects can be interacted with.  Not all of the things that stand out can be used either- thankfully, there is a small window inset to the game display that will show you a picture of such a thing if your screen is centered on it, what its name is, and, if applicable, an indicator bar for its hit points.

As Cubeworld is an RPG- or a potential RPG- and not a creativity tool, your range of takeable things is very limited and your number of interactions is only three- talk, take, and attack.  Of these, the latter two are by far the most useful currently, as talking to an NPC will generate a random line of text that is always the same for that NPC unless they happen to be giving you a quest.

Quests are not currently properly implemented in the game either, something that I’m sure the players and developers are both very much looking forwards to- the only quests currently available are ‘Look, there’s a giant boss monster over there, you could kill it and take its stuff!’ And ‘Hey, there’s a dungeon over there, maybe you want the treasure that’s surely hidden in it somewhere.’  This puts a severe cap on your activities, particularly as monsters and animals do not respawn quickly at all, leaving you spending a lot of time in dangerous wanderings before you can even consider surviving near a boss monster or in a dungeon, nevermind defeating or exploring one.