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Assassin's Creed IV: Aveline Walkthrough Part 2 – “The Fort” Part 1

Assassin's Creed IV: Aveline Walkthrough Part 2 – “The Fort” Part 1

While Stealth is not mandate, it certainly makes for something more of a challenge than the fight you would otherwise have. Head straight forward from Aveline's starting position. If you are quick enough, you can take down a pair of guards with a double air assassination. Still, it is better to let them live. Wait for them to move away from the hay cart below you then perform a Leap of Faith into it. Now slip behind the house just next to it. Now run from there to the South and duck into the Stalking Zone. If the guards are between you and it you can easily just slip up behind them and kill them. Now turn to the West and head for the cave you see ahead of you there.

Once inside the cave just go straight forward. There is not too much to worry about here aside from the odd guard. In the first room you have 3 Soldiers to deal with. While they can be stealthily killed, it is a lot easier to just engage them and wipe them out. Head into the next room.

In this room you have a pair of guards. It is almost equal in terms of difficulty to fight through it or stealth through it. Duck over to the pillar to the South. Wait for the Soldier to come close by and whistle at him to kill him with a corner assassination. Now wait for the other Soldier to walk away. Use the nearby ladder to quickly climb up to the next level. Hop across the beams and take up another corner position. Wait for the soldier to come to you and then use the whistle/corner assassination combo again. There are a few places that this can be done along the balcony he patrols. Feel free to use any of the crates as a place of cover. Head to the North and kill the single patrolling Soldier in the corridor.

The next room gets busier. There is a Soldier patrolling in the middle of the room with another patrolling to the South and to the West. Go the first pillar to the North. If the Soldier is heading toward you then use a whistle to lure him into a corner assassination. Otherwise jump into the hay stack and use that to assassinate him next time he comes over. Now head over to the Southern side of the room and climb up onto the ledge. When the Guard there comes nearby you, get him with a Ledge assassination. Now climb up onto the level he was on. Cross over to the other side via the suspending platform and take up a corner position. Watch the guard patrolling this corridor. When he moves to the West, move with him to the next corner position. From there you can easily get him with a corner assassination. Now wait for the final Soldier in this room to turn his back to get him. Go around the corner to the West then go to the North again. There is a pair of Soldiers in front of a lift. Kill them and take the lift upwards. When you land, immediately move forward to duck into the hay stack. There is a good chance though the nearby soldier will still trigger combat. Take him out.