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Assassin's Creed IV: Aveline Walkthrough Part 4 – “The Tower”

Assassin's Creed IV: Aveline Walkthrough Part 4 – “The Tower”

Head straight on for the first portion. There is not much else to the first section. When you reach the room with the high ceiling you will have more to do. Turn with the corridor and keep with it until it becomes a massive cavern.

Inside the cavern go on up the sloped crates and then forward and to the right. Climb up onto the next platform from there. Immediately go to the wood bracing in the wall. Climb up it and over to the left. Go along the left to climb onto the next level of the platforms. Head East from there and follow the walkway. Jump over to the Wooden beams on your left and go to the South. Make your way across them and over to the West  then North from the end of the walkway to continue on upward.

At the top of the climb go to the West and North, through the corridor in front of you. Continue to the West across the poles to reach the next corridor going to the West after the floor collapses beneath you. Go along the beams to reach the pair of guards. Perform a Double Air Assassination on them. Press onto the North after that. Follow the path over to the right and then jump to the pillar to the north of you. Climb up it and then make your way over ot the right. As you reach the pole extending across the gap, Patience will lose her patience and attempt to cross the bridge. She is almost completely across when it collapses beneath her. Quickly climb up onto the wooden structure and air assassinate the closest guard. From there take out the other two. Head through the door to the North after that.

Make your way down and to the Northeast. Jump from ledge to ledge until you are on the dark stone of the floor. From there head to the East. Follow the path straight on. Not too long after another cutscene will be triggered. Time for Aveline and Patience to chase this Doctor Good.

Head straight on forward through the poles and then go to the right of the door. Climb up the crates there quickly. You will see a Gunner ahead of you. Get him with a Running Assassination. After that quickly kill the one just ahead of him with either another Running Assassination or an Aerial Assassination. Dash across the bridge after that. Just run straight forward from there. You will catch up with Patience who is under attack. Quickly take out the Brute then deal with the rest of the Soldiers.

Time to find your way toward the Doctor. Go over to the marked lever and pull it for Patience. This will get her through. Go over to the right and climb the crates to find an open gate for Aveline to pass through. On the other side of the gate just go down the corridor. 2 Gunners will start lining up shots. Just run toward them and Patience will take them out for Aveline. Go on through the doorway to the right and Patience will take the lift up.

Time for a puzzle. Climb up the counter weight that is lowered in front of you. Go over to the left and get onto the next ledge. Climb onto it and run up the stairs to the right there. Cross over to the far side of the tower after that. There is another lever for Aveline to pull to lower the platform for Patience. Cross over to the West and climb on upwards. Go on up the stairs and then climb through the gap on the right. Jump across to the beam and go on upwards. Go the North and continue climbing upwards. At first platform, just go to the North and start climbing up. Go right when you can then Aveline will go around a corner and be outside. Go on over to the right and up. Wait for Patience to come in on the other side and attack the Good Doctor. This will let Aveline ambush him and kill him. That will finish out the Aveline Missions.