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World of Warcraft – Cataclysm: Herbalism Guide 1 – 525, Horde and Alliance

Herbalism is still a great gold farming method in World of Warcraft, even in the Cataclysm Expansion. It’s essential for Alchemy and Inscription as well, if you don’t have the deep pockets to purchase everything off of the Auction House.

Even if you’ve never picked herbs before, this guide will help you get started, pointing you to the best zones to level your Herbalism skill from the ground up.

Some small tips before we start, you’ll generally find plants in certain places. In most zones, you’ll find most by water, trees, hilly areas, etc. You’ll also generally find that making a track around the edge of the zone will give you the best results. Simply zig zag around the edge, picking everything in sight, and then make your way back to where you started.

Need WoW gold easily without buying it from gold farmers? Check out WoW Schools: Reaching Gold Cap Guide for tips on making gold quickly and efficiently.

To start off, you have to learn Apprentice Herbalism. In any major city, just ask a guard to help you find the Herbalism trainer under Professions. Learn the skill and be on your way.

Alright, ready to pick some plants? Let’s get started.. don’t forget to turn on your Find Herbs tracker next to your mini-map.

Herbalism 1 to 70

Herbalism plants are generally around the level range you would be questing in, so naturally starting off you’ll find your first plants in the starter zones outside of your major city starting points. It doesn’t matter which one really, but Trisfal Glades for Horde and Elwynn Forest for Alliance are the best places to start if you can, simply because you’ll be heading to zones in Eastern Kingdom for your next skill levels. You’ll be picking a lot of Silverleaf, Mageroyal, Earthroot, and Peacebloom.

Herbalim 70 to 150

Go back to any Herbalism trainer and learn Journeyman Herbalism. The single best place to level Herbalism at this point is in Hillsbrad Foothills in the Eastern Kingdom. You’ll be collecting tons of Mageroyal and Briarthorn from 70 to 125 in the grassy areas all around the zone. Just make loops around the primary areas of the zone, and you’ll find enough to pick for ages. Once you hit 125, go into the snowy area on the map which is the Ruins of Alterac, where you’ll find Frozen Herbs primary, and a few Bruiseweed. These herbs will speed up getting to 150 since they’re higher level plants.

Alternatively, if you’re lower level Horde or just generally more familiar with Durotar, then you can level from 70 to 125 in Northern Barrens around The Crossroads. Once you hit 125 you can go up to Stonetalon Mountains to get to 150.

Herbalism 150 to 225

Go back to any Herbalism trainer and learn Expert Herbalism. Your best zones at the point are either Feralas in Durotar, or Western Plaguelands in Eastern Kingdom. You can’t collect Khadgar’s Whiskers until skill level 160 however, which will be your primary skill plant to pick leveling to 225. If you’re heading to Feralas then I suggest hitting Southern Barrens on your way to hit 160. If you choose Western Plaguelands, then go around the banks around Scholamance and collect Liferoot to get you to 160 so you can pick Khadgar’s Whiskers. Western Plaguelands is the fastest for leveling to 225, since it’s smaller and easier to collect herbs, and since your next area will be Eastern Plaguelands.

Herbalism 225 to 275

Go back to any Herbalism trainer and learn Artisan Herbalism. First you’ll head to Eastern Plaguelands in Eastern Kingdom. Track around the outer edges of the zone and collect Sungrass, which should get you to 275 fairly easily.

Herbalism 275 to 325

Go back to any Herbalism trainer and learn Master Herbalism. Head to The Blasted Lands or Swamp of Sorrows in Durotar. I prefer Swamp of Sorrows simply because it’s a small zone with herbs everywhere. You can head to Hellfire Peninsula if you want at 300 to pick Felweed, but the zone is so big and spread out that I don’t suggest it.

Herbalims 325 to 350

Port to Shattrath in Outlands and head to either Terrokar Forest or Zangarmarsh. I like Zangarmarsh just because it’s a cool looking place with quite a few plants.

Herbalism 350 to 375

Go to the Herbalism trainer to learn Grand Master Herbalism. Head to either Howling Fjord or Borean Tundra in Northrend. I prefer Borean Tundra, simply because it’s connected to your next zone Sholazar Basin. You’ll be picking Goldclover until skill level 375, when you can begin to pick Tiger Lily. There won’t be as much Tiger Lily here though, so it’s time to move out.

Herbalism 375 to 450

Head to Sholazar Basin, which is probably the most dense zone in the game for herbs. They’re friggin everywhere, seriously. Pick Tiger Lily until 400, then you can pick Adder’s Tongue. This zone will easily get you to 450 if you stay here, especially since it shouldn’t be as crowded these days.

Herbalism 450 to 475

Assuming you have the Cataclysm expansion, head to your Herbalism trainer and learn Illustrious Herbalism. Now head to Mount Hyjal and you’ll be picking Cinderbloom. It’s a very mountainous zone, so fly to the grassy areas to farm your herbs, then fly to the next for more.

Herbalism 475 to 525

It’s the home stretch. If you’re level 82 or higher, you can head to Deepholm to collect Cinderbloom and Heartblossom. This zone is probably the most crowded though, so you can stay in Mount Hyjal picking Cinderbloom to 500, or head to Vashj’ir and do the same. At 500 you can head to Uldum for Whiptail, which can take you to 525.

Congrats, you’re now an uber Herbalist topped out at 525 skill. What will you do now? My guess is you’ll keep farming, because it’s in our blood.. it’s just what we do!!

While you’re here, check out my gold farming guide for some tips to make the most profit possible when farming.