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Walkthrough Transformers: Devastation


Chapter 1: City of Steel

Something strange is tearing apart a human city. The Autobots roll out to investigate.

After an introductory video move forward. End button LT is designed for aiming, and RT – shooting. You will inflict a blow with a sword by clicking on the X. Button Y – blow hammer. In addition, to use the jump button A. If press the button RB, the main character is transformed into a truck and deal a crushing blow to the enemy. Run forward and collect the cubes. Defeat the first group of conventional transformers, attacking them on the button X. Further there will be flying robots. Or wait, when they will fall down or bounce on the A button and attack. Now you can use a combo of buttons X and Y.

After winning collect energon as blue cubes. This will allow you to restore the health of the stock. Go through the gate ahead, pick up a chip fight of them. Destroy the gate.

Above flying drone. Jump up and hit it. On the street go around the corner and destroy huge container to find a useful item. Climb the buildings above. To jump even higher, you should use the double jump – double-click on the A.

Go to the Bumblebe, hold down RB, to transform into a wagon. Drive forward, avoid contact with the rays. Upon arrival, once again, press and hold RB, to transform into a robot. Stand on the orange place that indicates Bumblebe. Jump up and hold RB, to hit the ground the truck and find a secret. Jump on the building nearby, move to the other side. The following gates are guarded by circular saws. Before you saw attacking you, double-click on the RB, to evade the attack. Destroy the gate. Defeat opponents and ordinary people that will be located on the roof of the building.

Walk to the city center and will Devastator (Destroyer). There is the scale of his health in the upper right corner of the screen. Attack the enemy. You have to win! Use of evasion, as described above. Double-press the RB just before an enemy attack. Jump and attack him. At the end of each combo on the screen will light up the button RB. Click on it to inflict a crushing blow to the truck. Defeat your opponents and part of the mission will be completed.


Now you play as Bumblbe. Attack transformers on the roof of buildings. Go through the gate and destroy them. You will see a huge mechanical claw. Evades its attacks by double-clicking on the RB. Attack by all possible means until it is destroyed. Follow the path which marked on the map in red, it will not work: the strengths of the turbine will not allow Bumblbe drive forward. Go back a little and follow the ruined road. The machine will fly two of the ravine until you find yourself on the battlefield. Here you will find a battle with Megatron.

This fight will be specific. When in the hands of Megatron purple shield, then tighten button RB, accelerates and drive up to the enemy and press the button near the attack to strike a powerful blow and destroy the shield. With this you can immediately double to attack the enemy truck by pressing RB. After that run off as cause damage to standing will not work, but Megatron tries to crush you with its tank. Repeat the procedure as soon as the enemy will shield. 8-10 of successful attempts will be defeated and Megatron. Combat is fairly simple.

Then you play for another transformer. Follow to the gate, which is purple shield. Accelerate the machine and attack their press X. Go on. Destroy the same method on a container board. Get to the turbine, jump on it and go up in the air flow on the roof of the building. Go back down and go to the square. Defeat the soldiers, among whom are opponents of yellow. This is a more powerful units in which the health and supply of more and more powerful attacks.


Next, locate the turbine and jump on it on the roof of the building. Go forward past the laser beams. By car acceleration and jump over to the other side. Destroy transformers. Those with shields, should be killed just as Megatron. Then turn left and go around the barriers. Destroy a giant hand and jump down. Kill transformers and break the gate leading to the yellow marker.

Get several buildings with jumps of up to two gates. Ride forward and jump from building to meet again with Megatron.

Race for Megatron

During the chase, you have to call in the clubs, to the hero accelerated. Approaching close to Megatron in the truck, press the attack and seek button RB. Follow so a few meters until you find yourself on the battlefield. What is changed? First, around the electrical barrier, in contact with which you will save margin. In addition, Megatron will use the gun, repulsive you aside. In this case you need to switch on the car and try to drive his way to avoid being taken down in the barriers. Attack Megatron as well as before, until you not win. If you catch a wave, you can attack him transport, and while he will roast at the barrier, switch back to the car to accelerate and repeat a sequence of attacks.

Find Generators

Total you have to destroy three generators. The map has a green shield. Walk up to it and be able to choose the weapons and transformer for the game. Go to the yellow marker ahead and enter the tunnel by pressing the button B. The tunnels will be examined with opponents. Use the wheels to accelerate the car, and to overcome the resistance of the turbine. Go to the end of the tunnel and leave it by pressing B.

Follow ahead, jump on the building. Jump down to the first generator. Defeat Hook and Skrappera. Just scroll continuously on the location on the machine and attack them with acceleration, achieving button RB. Go to the generator and press B, to turn it off.

Follow to the next marker. You may have to go through the next tunnel. Sooner or later you will find yourself on the field with multiple laser beams. Destroy the robots moving along the rays. Can you look into the “Ark”, use green marker nearby. Get to the new generator and defeat Scavenger and Bonecrusher. It operates on the same principle as the first.

Go through a tunnel nearby. Drive by car past the rotating laser beam. Break with one dispersal of violet barriers. You can travel around in a circle to accelerate. Leave the tunnel and immediately find yourself about the third generator. You will find a battle with the Long Haul and MixMaster. Get familiar with them. Attack of the enemy usually attacks useless, because they almost always will put the block. Switch on the car accelerates and proceed as usual. After winning turn off the third generator.

Follow the yellow marker to where you expect a battle with Devastator. Shying away from his attacks. When you see the yellow arrows, then press twice to RB bias. Avoid the red area when Devastator will be in the hands of two of the drill. The best way to dodge and attack his usual attacks on X, and until the button lights RB. So you can double-strike machine. Then see the cut-scene, completes the first chapter.

Chapter 2: The Proudstar

Megatron’s plan to Cyberform the Earth is underway. The Autobots look for a way into the Proudstar to stop him.

Follow between the houses. Hit the ground in a yellow point to get the bonus. Destroy the two hands and rise above. Ahead you see a circle, a speeding car and a few lasers. Moreover, these lasers are hidden under the shield. In order not to break every one of them, you can call in a circle and go to the break. Downstairs, destroy the transformer and turbine climb to the next gate.

Do not approach the gate and shoot the bomb with yellow envelope. They blow up the gate. Follow on and shoot bombs around the lasers to destroy all one cartridge. When lonely at the top to see the bomb, do not rush to destroy them. Go to the location between the houses, and there will be flying transformers. Shoot them. Shoot the bombs when the transformers are near them.

Jump to the ledge between the houses. Pick up the diary. Move to the corridors, which will have to go by car. Accelerate and destroy barriers and containers of supplies. When you see the yellow marker, it will be flying drones. Dron will have to shoot and that in addition a purple beam which points to the ground. Shoot him. When he is close to the bombs, then shoot and bomb. Destroy drones and complete the task.

Get to the place where hidden Megatron. Destroy all enemies. For this attack their transport. Avoid electrical charges that can immobilize you for a while. After winning note on flying right drone. Shoot him. The sky will have five containers. If you have time to shoot all of them, at the building, over which flew the drone will be a large container with a reward. Go inside the ship Praudstar.

Follow through the ship. Go through the barriers when they disappear. Go to your computer and take it lying on the diary. Activate the computer to remove the barrier. Stand on the green marker and move to the “Ark” where you can improve your equipment or choose another transformer.

Go forward. Compete with a new opponent. Destroy the first of his assistants. Then try to approach it closely, to inflict a series of conventional attacks, followed – two powerful car. Climb up. In the hallway on the left you can hit the flaming sword of flying drones. You will see one more – do the same. Finally, hit the third to see the hidden container. Get to another computer and activate it. Defeat conventional transformer-insects.

Rise up four columns. Next will be a glowing circle. If you want, you can go in and start additional mission 2-2. All you have to do is to get on the yellow markers, jump up and transform into a car. But first you must destroy flying drones, which shoot precisely in these circles. For this reward will get weapons. Time is limited, but an infinite number of attempts.

Now, stand on the glowing block. He rises above. Overrun quickly on the other, to the third and so on until you reach the top. Follow the fork. In the story, you need to go forward. But if you will roll to the right, you will find another button. Stand on the button and switch on the car. Use all the acceleration to get to the other side. The left and right you’ll find containers and yellow dots with excellent supplies. Back can be the same way. If you suddenly fall down, then repeat the movement of the column. Follow the yellow markers to changing through barriers. Kill transformers.

Get to the platform and click on the remote control. Stand up for and use of a machine gun to kill a huge number of monsters. You will see their teams. Get familiar with him. Constantly dodge, otherwise you lose. Go forward, activate the computer, and follow on until you encounter Bombshell. Fight with him just as with conventional mutants. Do not step in puddles, or you will be immobilized.


Follow newt. You will have to go through two difficult segment. Stand on the platform to the plate began to appear. The first part of the walk is fairly easy. Stand up to the next platform. Plates will appear in the most unexpected places, even when re-passing these places do not change. Jump forward. If you do not see the front of the unit, then look down on another wall. Go down. When the two come out from both side of the block, then you have to get to the one that the other wall. Jump to the neighboring. The next block will appear in the place where you stand, so you will need to jump. Immediately jump to the block on the other side, and then jump to another block is not pushed down. Move to a stable place.

Follow ahead, you can look in the “Ark”. Go on, to activate the cut-scene. You will have to fight with the Kickback. Soon it will help two more enemy. Defeat them all and try to destroy the barrier, behind which is hidden core. When you see the shield of decepticons, then drive in his direction on car and attack. Then attack the barrier itself. Repeat until the cut-scene starts. In this second chapter is completed.

Chapter 3: The Core

The Autobots must find a way through a Decepticon stronghold to reach the Plasma Core.

Go forward past the lasers and go into the tunnel. Deal with the enemies, pick up the diary and exit at the other side. Follow the yellow markers to until you see the doctor. Follow him and shoot until you run out of health. Then watch the cut-scene with the interrogation.

Now you need to get to the island, which is the core of the plasma. Follow the yellow markers on the map. At one point, when you go up to the highway, you will need to go to the left. You can go to the right, with the help of the blue fence to climb the building with yellow eaves and from there to jump down. Stand on the blue circle and activate additional mission 5-3. You will need to destroy the flying drones that will “hide” behind purple barriers. Shoot them. Return the same way back. You can find the entrance to “The Ark”.

Go to the marker, you will attack Ground Soldier. Dodge and counterattack. There is nothing new that the enemy does not offer. Defeat another enemy group and go to the bridge. Watch the cut-scene.

Follow the two yellow markers, go forward to the fork. Turn to the turbine and jump to the top. Switch on the car and jump using springboard to the bottom of the marker. Get to the red blocks and take one of them. Go back. Can you throw a block at enemies. To do this, pick up his button B, aim for an end to the LT and throw on the end RT. Go back and stand in the yellow circle. Watch the cut-scene. Defeat your opponents, go to the gate.

This will start the chase. You fight with the transformer, which may become aircraft and tanks. First, shoot the tank, holding down RT. When the tank will stop appearing, use the right analog to aim upwards and the other parties. When the supply runs out of health to the right, then start the cut-scene. Defeat Blitsving on land. Use the dodge because the enemy will not allow you to put yourself on the row a few strokes.