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Game Cheats: Kreed - Add weapon number from weapons list

Add weapon number from weapons list

During the game hit tilde then type addwpn.

Clip though wall

During the game hit tilde then type gnoclip 1.

Fast exit to Windows

During the game hit tilde then type exit.

Fly mode off

During the game hit tilde then type gfly 0.

Fly mode on

During the game hit tilde then type gfly 1

God mode off

During the game hit tilde then type gamegodmode 0.

God mode on

During the game hit tilde then type gamegodmode.

Load game with name

During the game hit tilde then type load.

Load map

During the game hit tilde then type map. refer to map list in dir areas

Save game with name

During the game hit tilde then type save.

Select room

During the game hit tilde then type gotoroom roomXX where XX is a number.

Self suicide

During the game hit tilde then type suicide.

Hit points

During the game hit tilde then type hitpoints.

FPS off

During the game hit tilde then type clshowinfo 0.

FPS on

During the game hit tilde then type clshowinfo 1.

Weapons list

During the game hit tilde then type addwpn ?.