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Game Cheats: Hearts of Iron 2: Doomsday - Press F12 to bring on the console and type any of these codes

Press F12 to bring on the console and type any of these codes:

acceptall AI folds to all demands and suggestions ON/OFF
fullcontrol Total controll ON/OFF
showid Toggle show province id's
showxy Toggle show coordinates
handsoff Toggle hands off
jstart ?
jstop ?
nofog Toggle fog of war
nolimit no troop limits
norevolts Rebels defeated on/off
nowar AI won't declare war ON/OFF
difrules godmode on/off
manpower more men
oil more oil
money more money
rare more rare materials
metal more metal
energy more energy
nuke nuclear bomb
nuke nuke enemy where is the enemy
freedom Reform country on/off
viewtech show opponents techresearch
escorts more escorts
transports more transports
supplies more supplies
dissent get a dissent

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