Code - Result:
ABLLAALRBA - Compress SuperArmor
LBBRBAALRR - Compress Custom1
RALLAABRBA - Compress Custom2
ARLALALLAB - Compress MegaFolder1
LALRBLRLRA - Compress MegaFolder2
BLBRLLLABA - Compress GigaFolder1
BBARABLARR - Compress FirstBarrier
RBBBAAABRL - Compress Shield
LAABRRLRLR - Compress Reflect
BLALBRALBA - Compress KawaramiMagic AntiDmg
RALABLBBRB - Compress FloatShoes
ARBABRRBAL - Compress AirShoes
RRALLRAABB - Compress UnderShirt
RRABLRARLA - Compress SearchShuffle
AAALAABLRA - Compress NumberOpening
BBBABBAARB - Compress ShinobiDash
LRABARBBLR - Compress OilBody
ARAABARRBA - Compress AimFish
BRBBBBBARR - Compress BatteryMode
ALARBRARLB - Compress JungleLand
ALABBAAABA - Compress Collector's Eye
RBARALBBBL - Compress Millionaire
LLABLBABLL - Compress HumorSense
BABARRLLAB - Compress RythmicalPoem
ALAAALLABR - Compress SlipRunner
BBBAABAABB - Compress SelfRecovery
BAABBBALBA - Compress BoosterPack
RLABLRLAAB - Compress BodyPack
ABLRRBRLBA - Compress FolderPack1
BBARBLARBL - Compress FolderPack2
AAABRLBAAL - Compress BugStopper
RLBAABALLR - Compress RushSupport
LRBBALRABA - Compress BeatSupport
BRBRRABBRA - Compress TangoSupport
LBRBABLBAL - Compress AttackMAX
AALABRALBA - Compress RapidMAX
LLALLBABBB - Compress ChargeMAX
Lottery Chip Machine Passwords:
Once you are able to enter the chip shop in Central Town, go inside to find a green machine on the right-hand side. Upon pressing A in front of the machine, you will be able to enter a series of numbers to receive bonus items
Code - Result:
79814666 - DustMan
84387543 - KillerMan
88674125 - MegaBoomerang M
92070765 - ChargeMan
97049899 - BlizzardBall H
97403000 - Uninstall G
00297421 - TenguMan
08789369 - ElementWrap
10414878 - GroundMan
12110031 - Hakushaku
12404002 - HeatMan
14212857 - GunDelSol3 W
23722234 - CountBomb3 M
24616497 - BlastMan
30424514 - ElecMan
32310827 - DiveMan
38116449 - DeathMatch
44892547 - ColonelArmy
51378085 - CircleGun V
51702791 - AquaMan
55910601 - SlashMan
57656595 - Django
60884138 - DrillArm M
67520179 - TomahawkMan
69544569 - BambooLance
71757977 - AirWheel3 O
75641392 - Recovery300 Y
04789479 - Get "Unlocker"
77837421 - Receive SpinRed
79459146 - Get "Spin Pink"
59485971 - Receive an Untrap subchip
37889678 - Receive HP50 Navi Cust program
Title Screen Icons:
Upon completing the tasks listed below, various icons showing your accomplishments will be displayed at the top of the title screen.
"GIGA COMP" Icon - Collect all 5 Giga Chips
"MEGA COMP" Icon - Collect all 45 Mega Chips
"P.A. COMP" Icon - Activate all 30 Program Advances
"STD COMP" Icon - Collect all 200 Standard Chips
Forte [Bass] Icon - Defeat Forte [Bass] SP
Greiga Icon - Beat the game
Starred "S" Icon - Collect all 17 Secret Chips