Attack Titan:
When the enemy Titan shields are down, attack it. The enemies will be waiting, but attacking the core will help you succeed faster. Always use teamwork.
Heal faster:
If you are playing as the Assault class, throw one medkit on the ground and hold one in your hands to heal twice as fast.
No intro:
Go into: "C:Program FilesElectronic ArtsBattlefield 2142modsbf2142Movies", and move all of the files out of the folder. you will now load to the login screen when you start the game.
Higher rank:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "profile.con" file in the "battlefield 2142profiles0001" directory. It should be similar to this:
Information in this section was contributed by Rhy.
LocalProfile.setName "user"
LocalProfile.setGamespyNick "user"
LocalProfile.setEAOnlineMasterAccount "user"
LocalProfile.setEAOnlineSubAccount "user"
LocalProfile.setTotalPlayedTime 25467.3
LocalProfile.setNumTimesLoggedIn 9805
LocalProfile.setRank 0
LocalProfile.setCareerPoints 0
LocalProfile.setLastBaseUpdate 0
Replace the "localprofile.setrank 0" and "LocalProfile.setCareerpoints 0" values to:
LocalProfile.setRank 43
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