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Game Cheats: Ancient Wars: Sparta - Enable Cheats

Enable Cheats:
To enable the console system first you have to go to where the game is installed on your pc. There will be a file called Local.ini. Open it with Notepad and add the following lines:

gcheats 1
guienablemenushortcuts 1
dconsole 1

This enables the console system. When you start up the game press [] and type any of the following cheats.

Code - Result:
chfastproduce 1 - Instant Build Troops
chstarvationdisable 1 - No Starvation
challmissionsavailable 1 - Unlock All Missions
givemeall - Gives Gold, Wood, Food
givemefood - Gives Food
givemewood - Gives Wood
givemegold - Gives Gold
rfogofwar 0 - Remove Fog of War
chadditemtocurrplayer - Gives Items