z rules Unlock a secret stage: Insane
[will permanently be saved to your profile]
z really rules Unlock a secret stage: Insane II
[will permanently be saved to your profile]
chastity Unlock Faith stage
[will permanently be saved to your profile]
mcfly Unlock Time Machine mode
[will permanently be saved to your profile]
stalin Invincible Bonus Mode
zack Start the game with 1 bonus
nostradamus Start the game with 2 bonuses
davinci Start the game with 3 bonuses
jfk Start the game with 4 bonuses
bendis Start the game with 5 bonuses
copernic Start the game with 6 bonuses
einstein Skip a level
[will permanently be saved to your profile]
malcom x Unlock Everything
[will permanently be saved to your profile]
insane You will play Insane in Time Quest mode
z is insane You will play Insane II in Time Quest mode
faith You will play FaitH in Time Quest mode
bonnie and clyde Debug Mode on
reset d Reset some cheat codes entered
turns off all cheat codes except for the ones that
wrote to your saved profile
1. Start the game.
2. At the Main Menu, hit the ENTER key on your keyboard.
It should print this on the screen == "Secret Mode: "
3. Enter a code:
Just type the text of a Cheat Code on your keyboard.
4. Note that there are "Cheat Codes" which seem to act as if they jump you to
a specific level:
modern = Level 1
void = Level 21
god = Level 22
However, they seem to have no effect, so we will not list them. Also, the
'einstein' code already allows you to skip levels.
-from TNT