Arron Sedillo Challenge Room:
Press Right, Down, Left, Up, LB, RB, Y, Y, A, A, Start at the "Press Start" screen to unlock the fan made challenge room at the "Challenge Room" menu.
EuroGamer Challenge Room:
Press Down, Up, Down, Up, Left, LB, X, LB, X, Y, Start at the "Press Start" screen to unlock the EuroGamer challenge room at the "Challenge Room" menu.
GamesRadar Challenge Room:
Press RB, Y, X, X, Up, Down, LB, LB, Up, Down, Start at the "Press Start" screen to unlock the GamesRadar challenge room at the "Challenge Room" menu.
IGN Challenge Room:
Press Up, Down, Y, X, X, Y, Down, Up, LB, LB, Start at the "Press Start" screen to unlock the IGN challenge room at the "Challenge Room" menu.