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Game Cheats: Saboteur, The - Find a Path Up Buildings

Find a Path Up Buildings:
If there is a scenic point atop a building that you cant figure out how to climb, follow the glowing yellow lamps -- they'll show the way to the scenic point.

Defeating Nazis:
You can act suspiciously to lure a Nazi away from his post, then dispatch him when no one is around.

Vehicle Locations:
The following vehicles can be found at the locations below:
- Bauer Fuel Truck - West Picardie / North Normadie / Near the river, where the road the road hooks around
- Gestapo GS - Gare Saint Lazarre / This is parked North of the checkpoint near the tower with propaganda speaker (right side of the road)
- Armed ZP750 - Raise the alarm level and it will come to you
- Gestapo Cruiser (Not GS) - On streets around Nazi areas.