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Game Cheats: BreakFree

Cheats Codes:

Level Passwords

At the 'Main' menu select the 'Warp to Level' option and enter the following case sensitive passwords (without the quotes) to skip to that level.

Unlock Level 2:
Enter the password 'Helium'

Unlock Level 3:
Enter the password 'Lithium'

Unlock Level 4:
Enter the password 'Beryllium'

Unlock Level 5:
Enter the password 'Boron'

Unlock Level 6:
Enter the password 'Carbon'

Unlock Level 7:
Enter the password 'Nitrogen'

Unlock Level 8:
Enter the password 'Oxygen'

Unlock Level 9:
Enter the password 'Fluorine'

Unlock Level 10:
Enter the password 'Neon'

Unlock Level 11:
Enter the password 'Sodium'

Unlock Level 12:
Enter the password 'Magnesium'

Unlock Level 13:
Enter the password 'Aluminum'

Unlock Level 14:
Enter the password 'Silicon'

Unlock Level 15:
Enter the password 'Phosphorus'

Unlock Level 16:
Enter the password 'Sulfur'

Unlock Level 17:
Enter the password 'Chlorine'

Unlock Level 18:
Enter the password 'Argon'

Unlock Level 19:
Enter the password 'Potassium'

Unlock Level 20:
Enter the password 'Calcium'

Unlock Level 21:
Enter the password 'Scandium'

Unlock Level 22:
Enter the password 'Titanium'

Unlock Level 23:
Enter the password 'Vanadium'

Unlock Level 24:
Enter the password 'Chromium'

Unlock Level 25:
Enter the password 'Manganese'

Unlock Level 26:
Enter the password 'Iron'

Unlock Level 27:
Enter the password 'Cobalt'

Unlock Level 28:
Enter the password 'Nickel'

Unlock Level 29:
Enter the password 'Copper'

Unlock Level 30:
Enter the password 'Zinc'

Unlock Level 31:
Enter the password 'Gallium'

Unlock Level 32:
Enter the password 'Germanium'

Unlock Level 33:
Enter the password 'Arsenic'

Unlock Level 34:
Enter the password 'Selenium'

Unlock Level 35:
Enter the password 'Bromine'

Unlock Level 36:
Enter the password 'Krypton'

Unlock Level 37:
Enter the password 'Rubidium'

Unlock Level 38:
Enter the password 'Strontium'

Unlock Level 39:
Enter the password 'Yttrium'

Unlock Level 40:
Enter the password 'Zirconium'

Unlock Level 41:
Enter the password 'Niobium'

Unlock Level 42:
Enter the password 'Molybdenum

Unlock Level 43:
Enter the password 'Technetium

Unlock Level 44:
Enter the password 'Ruthenium

Unlock Level 45:
Enter the password 'Rhodium'

Unlock Level 46:
Enter the password 'Palladium'

Unlock Level 47:
Enter the password 'Silver'

Unlock Level 48:
Enter the password 'Cadmium'

Unlock Level 49:
Enter the password 'Indium'

Unlock Level 50:
Enter the password 'Tin'

Unlock Level 51:
Enter the password 'Antimony'

Unlock Level 52:
Enter the password 'Tellurium'

Unlock Level 53:
Enter the password 'Iodine'

Unlock Level 54:
Enter the password 'Xenon'

Unlock Level 55:
Enter the password 'Cesium'

Unlock Level 56:
Enter the password 'Barium'

Unlock Level 57:
Enter the password 'Lanthanum'

Unlock Level 58:
Enter the password 'Cerium'

Unlock Level 59:
Enter the password 'Praseodymium'

Unlock Level 60:
Enter the password 'Neodymium'

Unlock Level 61:
Enter the password 'Promethium'

Unlock Level 62:
Enter the password 'Samarium'

Unlock Level 63:
Enter the password 'Europium'

Unlock Level 64:
Enter the password 'Gadolinium'

Unlock Level 65:
Enter the password 'Terbium'

Unlock Level 66:
Enter the password 'Dysprosium'

Unlock Level 67:
Enter the password 'Holmium'

Unlock Level 68:
Enter the password 'Erbium'

Unlock Level 69:
Enter the password 'Thulium'

Unlock Level 70:
Enter the password 'Ytterbium'

Unlock Level 71:
Enter the password 'Lutetium'

Unlock Level 72:
Enter the password 'Hafnium'