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Game Cheats: Men of War: Vietnam

Cheats Codes:

Unlock All Missions
Change the game_progress.set file located in your \My Documents\my games\mow vietnam folder. Copy and paste this code into your game_progress.set file:

{level 10}
{time 0}
{time 0}
{time 0}
{time 0}
{time 0}
{time 0}
{time 0}
{time 0}
{time 0}
{time 0}

Save it and close it. Start your game and you should have all missions unlocked.

Note: If you do not have a game_progress.set file, then create one with notepad not with editor! Create a new document with notepad and paste the text. Save it like this:

game_progress.set <-- .set not .txt or something different. Move that file to the designated folder and you are done.

Edit Various Variables
This involves editing your savegame files found at: C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\mow vietnam\profiles\player\save

Open the save file titled mission with Notepad. There's some stuff you can do here such as reviving dead squad members, giving extra health, shifting their location, or changing the team of enemy units (making vietcong units fight for USA and vice versa).

Basic pointers:
If you want to change enemy units to fight for you, say in the vietcong missions, search for USA or Arvn. You would see stuff like

{Human "single/arvn/m14"

If you scroll further down, you can see player 2, just change that to player 1 and you're good to go. This way you can get through the mission with the enemy units fighting for you.

Also to change the position look for:

{Position 758.32 -2098.46 35}
{xform zl -46.35}

By changing these numbers you can 'teleport' stuff around the map. Impt to note: before you edit the file, exit game to main menu, and when you are done, ALWAYS close the file or it will crash the game and delete your save file.

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