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Game Cheats: Scoregasm


Bourbon - Find the bourbon
Combo King - Get a combo greater than or equal to 10,000
Completist - Complete every challenge level
Creamy - Find the custard cream
Dangerous Dodging - Survive for 100 seconds on challenge 15c without shooting
Digestion - Find the chocolate digestive
Easy Street - From the start, finish the game visiting only normal levels
Escape! - You must... ESCAPE!
Figs - Find the fig roll
Got Nothing On Me - Get a perfect on level 15c
Great Explorer - Unlock every level
Hiscore Hero - Score greater than 250,000,000. Challenge games do not count
Impressive Collection - Earn all of the combo medals. There's one on each stage!
Mr. Perfect - From the start, complete the game visiting only insane levels without dying
Multiplier Madness - Get a 9x multiplier
Noted - Find the £5 note
Ring - Find the jam ring
Wafers - Find the pink wafer
Who Needs Bullets? - Finish level 1a without shooting

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