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Game Cheats: Lost Planet 3


Infinite T-Energy:
In the main story missions, you will get upgrades to your rig to complete missions. Once you get the Acetylene Torch, go to Marshall's Gorge to fight the giant crab. After killing the giant crab, go back to the entrance, and fast travel to any location. Then, travel back to Marshall's Gorge to fight the giant crab again. You will get approximately 600 T-Energy each time you kill the giant grab. You will earn approximately 2,500 T-Energy for completing an average side mission, and it will usually take around 20 minutes to complete. You can get approximately 5,000 T-Energy every 15 minutes by farming the giant crab. Note: Once you continue with the main story missions, the giant crab cannot be farmed any longer. Thus, make sure you obtain as much T-Energy as desired before continuing with the main story missions.

Farming T-Energy in Marshall's Gorge:
One way to amass T-Energy is keep fighting the giant crab enemy in Marshall's Gorge after you receive the Acetylene Torch upgrade for your rig. Defeat the crab, fast travel to any location, then return to the Gorge again to respawn the crab and kill it again for T-Energy. However, it's important to note that you will no longer be able to make the crab respawn once you complete Marshall's Gorge, so be sure to take advantage of this trick while it lasts.

A Winner Is You! - Won a Multiplayer Match.
All Charged Up - Restored the Fueling Depot.
Armed and Dangerous - First Weapon Upgrade Purchased.
Big Bang - Unlocked Sphere Cell.
Big Spender - Bought every Weapon and Rig Upgrade.
Bleeding Heart - Stopped Isenberg for Good.
Campaign Complete - Finished the Game on Any Difficulty.
Cleaning House - Stopped the Akrid infestation.
Deadly Catch - Delivered The T-Eng Canister 2 times during a multiplayer Outpost Scenario match.
Dish It Out - Brought the Com-Dish Online.
Drilling Down - Completed Deep Core Drilling.
E.D.N. III Unveiled - Unlock all Trophies.
Empty Nest - Emptied your First T-Post.
Extreme Conditions - Finished the Game on Hard Difficulty.
Fallen Hero - Watched Coronis Fall.
Feels Like The First Time - Perform your first Stealth Kill in a Multiplayer Game.
First Tag - Tagged an Albino Tarkaa.
French Leave - Defeated Laroche.
Geneticist - Fully Unlocked Bestiary.
Gone, But Not Forgotten - Found all Mementos.
Heavy Reader - Found 50% of Logs.
Helping Hand - Saved by Laroche.
History Lesson - Found a Memento.
Home Improvement - Purchase First Rig Upgrade.
Killer Instinct - Finished Kovac's Quests.
Living Legend - Discovered Nushi.
Lost and Found - Discovered the Lost Contractor's Fate.
Lost Log - Found a Log.
Master Cataloger - Found all Logs.
Master Huntsman - Purchased all Ethologist Upgrades.
Master Planter - Planted every Post.
Medicine Man - Returned the Medicine.
My First T-Post - Planted your First T-Post.
On the Hook - Rescued the Trapped Scientists.
Riding Shotgun - Get a kill while on the Battlecat.
Rolling Out - Got your Rig.
Safe Cracker - Opened the Armory.
Saving the Day - Secured the Moorings.
Scorched Earth Policy - Destroyed Satellite Array.
Sphere Complete - Unlocked all Sphere Cells.
Sphere We Go - Unlocked 30 Sphere Cells.
Stop Stalking Me - Killed 20 Wardeyes during a multiplayer Research Lab Akrid Survival match.
Storm Chaser - Took Storm Readings.
The King Is Dead - Killed the Gorevorgg.
Thunderstruck - Killed a Cat-G Akrid with the Rig.
To the Rescue - Defended Laroche.
Top Dog - Delivered the T-Eng Canister 3 times during a multiplayer Alpha Lair Scenario match.
Touchdown - Delivered the T-Eng Canister to win a multiplayer Quarantine Scenario match.
Winning Habit - Won 25 Multiplayer Matches.
You're the best...AROUND! - Won every Scenario.
What... - Found a Mysterious Structure.

Lost Planet 3 No Intro:

Run the game at least once and close it. Browse into the location below:

Vista and above
C:\Users[NAME]\Documents\My Games\LostPlanetGame\LostPlanetGame\Config

C:\Documents and Settings\[NAME]\My Documents\My Games\LostPlanetGame\LostPlanetGame\Config

Open the "LostPlanetEngine.ini" with NotePad, Editor or similar and find [FullScreenMovie] and comment the lines you don't need below starting with StartupMovies out using a semicolon (;), those will not be loaded on startup anymore and skipped every time you run the game and save the file (that is pretty much like a No Intro).





To enable the movies again, just remove the semicolon (;) from the *.ini file once again and save it.