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Game Cheats: The Forest

Game Cheats:
Unlimited Items:
Find an item that you want to duplicate. Hold a stick and turn it into a
weak spear. Now pick up the desired item and you'll have an unlimited
quantity at your disposal.

The Calm Forest (v0.0.3):
On the title screen, type in veganmode and you can play without fearing
attacks from cannibals. When you save your progress and play again without that mode activated, you'll retain any items and your structures will
remain in place.

No cannibals:
Type veganmode at the title screen (v0.0.3) to play without cannibal attacks.
Note: When you save your progress and play again without the code activated, you will keep your items and your structures will remain intact.

Disable Active Cheats:
Type in meatmode in the title menu and you'll cancel any other cheats that
you may have activated previously.

Nocturnal Enemies:
Enemies will only appear at night if you type in vegetarianmode on the title

Hidden "vegan" mode:
At the main screen, type "veganmode" (without the quotes). This removes all enemies from the game, and changes the title screen.

Avoiding Enemies:
The mutants at the beginning of the game do not realize you are there. If you stay away from them or throw a rock in the opposite direction to distract them, then they will not attack you. If you build something, the mutants will take notice and investigate. Once an enemy sees you, either kill them or wait and deal with the rest.

Food supply:
If you are having trouble finding food, try and find a pond. There are usually
fish in them and a spear near it to fish. The fish are constantly replaced,
usually a day between spawns, and is a good supply of food for beginners.

Kill enemies faster:
The plane ax you get in the beginning of the game takes a while to kill mutants.
Combine booze and cloth to get molotovs and kill them in one hit.

Preventing enemies from getting inside your base:
When building your base, set it up where there are no trees above it. The mutants can climb trees and thus drop into your base. Also, use defensive walls to keep mutants out and barricades to prevent the walls from being destroyed. Usually, near the coast is a great place.

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