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Game Cheats: Brigade E5: New Jagged Union

Game Cheats:
Press ~ during game play to display the console window. Then, enter
one of the following codes. Note: Your name will appear as "CHEATER"
when any code is enabled.

Code - Result:
CheatMoney [number] - Money
money [number] - Money
Killall - Kill all enemies in current sector
GetSkill - List available skills
GetSkill [skill name] - Display value of selected skill
CheatSkill [skill name] [number] - Set skill to indicated value
Tele - Teleport to pointer location
getcgl - Display current game level
ImmortalCheat 1 - GodMode

Current Game Level:

To change cgl (current game level)
Throw start debug
Throw set cgl #

*The # value is 1-10 and can only be changed once per game and the
value can be checked with getCGL.