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Warlords of Draenor - The End and Summary Review .
We’re at the end of our review of Warlords of Draenor, WoW’s newest and shiniest expansion. We touched upon aspect after aspect, but perhaps the most anticipated element of all would be raiding. It so happens that the first raid, Highmaul, was opened in the past month, giving pla
MMOGames Best of 2014 Readers Poll Awards .
It is often said that the only end of the year awards that really matter are the ones voted for by the public. That’s why in addition to publishing our own awards, the ones those of us at MMOGames think were the best and brightest we’ve also been polling you, the reader. For the last month r
Runescape 3: 14 Years of History .
After nearly ten years away from Jagex’s massively successful online multiplayer game, I have returned to Gielinor once more—to grind my mining and woodcutting skills one last time. Runescape 3 was released in 2013 and its first expansion, “Lost City of the Elves,” released in 2014. To my
SMITE World Championship Preview .
(source: http://www.havok.tv/?p=100) The SMITE 2015 World Championships is almost here. At current tally, the prize pool sits at almost $2.5 million, and eight teams have been slated to fight for it. Staff writer Matthew McDanel and I will be flying into Atlanta to do live coverage of the e
Massive Thought: Psychosocial well-being of online gamers .
Scott E. Caplan conducted a study where he introduced and tested how different well-being measures could create a preference towards online social interaction. He did this by measuring the participant’s preferences for online participation, levels of well-being and who participating online a
WoW Wednesday: Time is Money, Friend .
About a month ago, community manager, Bashiok, had announced a list of things that Blizzard has planned for Draenor in 2015. While it was to no surprise to find the next raid, Blackrock Foundry, on the list, the few other meager announcements were rendered moot due to one little item; an alt
Eorzean Evening Post: New Year Plans in Final Fantasy XIV - MMOGames
Happy new year everyone! Looking at the games we can expect to come out over the next 12 months, I’m quite confident that I will be sticking with Final Fantasy XIV for the majority of the year. So I thought it fitting that I’d list some of my hopes, dreams and plans for 2015. A World of Dark
Versus: World of Warcraft vs Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn .
This week marks the beginning of a new column here at MMOGames. Every other week I’ll be discussing and comparing two aspects of multiplayer gaming, whether it’s concepts or actual games, and declaring a winner out of the two. Some of you might think, “Who is he to judge the better of two ga
Video Preview: Qelric Looks at Heroes of the Storm .
Qelric is well known in the World of Warcraft and Blizzard community at large for her insightful videos on WoW and other Blizzard games. She also covers single player games, and other MMOs on her Youtube channel, the Q Lounge. Today she has joined the MMOGames crew to bring exciting videos t
FAQ: What MMO Are You Most Anticipating in 2015? .
It’s a new year and we’re bringing back one of the fan favorite columns, FAQ! Every Friday our writers will answer the same question. It could be as simple as “What do you plan on playing this weekend” to something more complex like “Why are subscriptions becomi
SMITE World Championships Day One .
The time has come. The most legendary tournament in the SMITE world, and one of the largest in the entire world. With a prize pool over over 2.5 Million Dollars, it’s an exciting time for everyone. The day one matches were fantastic and the energy was absolutely explosive. It will be e
SMITE World Championship Day Two .
As the competition in the 2015 SMITE World Championship trudges onward, the champion prizes and competition continue to skyrocket. The prize pool has climaxed at over $2.6 million (the third largest award in eSports history), and first place will receive over $1.3 million. Everyone here in
SMITE on Xbox One .
SMITE for Xbox is incredibly fun and fluid—a true port. During the Smite World Championship I had the opportunity to spend one on one time with the game. Here are my first impressions of how Smite is on the Xbox One. The Controls For the most part, the button layout is incredibly intui
SMITE World Championship Day Three .
“One game. $1.3 million. This has got to be the most hype moment in eSports history.” -Todd Harris, Co-founder and COO of Hi Rez studios Day three of the 2015 SMITE World Championships, an event that raised over $2 million for charity and topped over 81 thousand unique viewers
SMITE World Championship Round Up .
Over the last week MMOGames has been covering the 2015 SMITE World Championship Series (SWC). The event was absolutely insane. From the new reveals down to the caliber of the match qualities, SWC has bordered on unbelievable. Now that the World Championship has come to a close, we take a mom
Cosplay Culture at the SWC .
In the world of gaming there is a well known figure that you see at every event. They are easily recognizable in the crowd of faces. They stand out and their silhouette looms over the attendees with their exceeding height. I’m talking about the cosplayers, of course! Many of them walk
WoW Wednesday: Raiding Like A Boss (Or At Least A Competent Fellow) .
Highmaul’s been out for quite some time now. While there have been many successful groups running the various difficulties of this raid, there are still far more people who haven’t even stepped out of Normals yet. With Blackrock Foundry coming up next month, many would-be raiders
Eorzean Evening Post: Looking for Alexander .
Having a good Heavensturn? Personally I haven’t had time to do the quests and I’m sitting here writing and slightly panicking. I need to get that sheep before it disappears! With only a few hours left I’m not sure I’ll be able to make it. I’m currently playing Catherine on my 360 as well, so
The History of SMITE: Focus and (Rez)olution .
The Smite World Championships were held over the last week. The day before the event we ascended to the figurative Mount Olympus that is Hi-Rez Studios. The inaugural SWC is arguably the most important time in the studios ten year history. As I enter the front door the team shows little sign
MOBA Monday: Why You Should Watch eSports In Person
I have been covering sports for some time now. In my career, I have watched a lot of sports matches. But very little–even the roar of Bryant-Denny Stadium –can compare to the passion and energy of an eSports audience. Last week, I covered the 2015 SMITE World Championship, and th
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