The Bingo game is usually played in halls. The rules of Bingo can vary from country to country. To begin the game we have to buy the cards with numbers resting on top of it, and then built a 5x5 grid which corresponds to the five letter word B-I-N-G-O. The numbers are selected at casual (out of 90 in Australian and British Bingo and 75 here in American Bingo). The player who completes the ‘BINGO’ pattern in any form in the 5x5 grid is the WINNER. The players have thousands of matchless cards to select from. Various Manufacturers print unduplicated sequence of 6000cards.
In UK Bingo is played mostly in huge hall with cash prizes, it has turned into a part of evening events in few parts of the country which involve huge amount of money.
Every seaside town of UK plays BINGO, but here there is no involvement of huge cash but jus the gifts. Bingo is moreover played in little part just to raise funds for noble causes.
Australian and U.K. bingo cards have nine columns and three lines. These often come in Books and each book contains ten pages of different colors like Lime, Gold, Violet, Pink, Yellow, Grey, Blue, Orange, White and Red. A multiple book contains 6 single books. Experienced players can play all the 6 books and the beginners or intermediate can only play one book or sometimes even a sole card. Usually the books are called as ’Flyers’. Australia also used the same book bingo as UK. In Perth callers are bit slower while in Melbourne and Sydney the callers are really fast
In large cities and towns bingo is quite ’BIG BUSINESS’ and it involve lot of money. Lot of people earn through this. In small towns it is a social event with a very friendly ambience.
In number calling the numbers are called quickly and the callers are to pay keen attention to the called numbers and mark them in their cards. The game continues till some players call ‘BINGO’. Then the game is stopped and the figures are confirmed. The prize is given to the winner and the next game starts with the new cards and players. In Las Vegas there are many variations including six packs, Letter X and Coverall Bingo. In addition to this in some places the payout is as high as $ 10,000.