Pretty much, you’re playing as an attacker here, so your goal is to elude the defense and shoot the ball through the net. Misdirect the goalkeeper by rapidly swiping right before the kick. Take note, as this is important, even for those familiar with the rules of football – you want to kick the ball past the keeper, not into the keeper. If the ball gets past the keeper and into the net, you score one point. But if it goes into him, you don’t score anything.
It’s not the end of the world if you miss a goal attempt. What you don’t want to do is to run into the goal or run right smack dab into another player. These two things automatically end your turn, so be absolutely sure you’re moving fast, but also moving efficiently to avoid obstacles. Speed is important, but so is grace in such a situation.
Assuming you have one goal or more, you can kick off where you left off by hitting continue and watching an ad video. Once the clip is over, you’ll be right back where you left off before your turn ended, which is much better than having to start from square one as you often would have to do in other casual titles. While in theory, you can watch an unlimited number of continue videos, it wouldn’t be worth the effort to do so if your turn ended after only one or two goals.
Sadly, the developer did not introduce any premium currency in Goal Hero, in-game money you can earn while playing and use to purchase special items. As such, your only option when buying team packs is to pay with real-life money.
Going back to the concept of hitting “continue” to return to where you left off, that brings us to our final tip. Practice does make perfect, and scoring high in Goal Hero can only be achieved if you regularly practice your game, though probably with a few breaks here and there so that you can remain “fresh” in body and mind.