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94% Percussion Instruments

94% Percussion Instruments answers cheats and walkthrough, you can play for iPhone, iOs and Android. 94% game developed by Scimob, the game is all about trying to find the most common answers from a survey of 100 people. A new game for Android called “94%” is a lot like Family Feud, but you won’t have to watch your sister dance on stage with Steve Harvey.

So, i hope this 94% answers, cheats and walkthrough can help you to find the answers for this questions, the questions in 94% usually different with each country. We will give you the answers by 94% Answers by classified questions here

94% Percussion Instruments Answers

Answers for 94% Percussion Instruments is :

94% Percussion Instruments :

54% Drum
17% cymbal
11% triangle
10% xylophone
2% maraca

94% Bank :

55% money
9% vault
8% teller
6% card
5% robber
4% loan
4% account
3% atm

94% A picture with a man standing in front of a big picture and two smaller pictures besides it.

30% art
16% picture
15% museum
14% painting
12% gallery
7% woman

I hope our walkthrough guide will help you solve those difficult levels and questions. The object of the game is pretty simple just find 94% of the answers for the question. I play the English or US version of the game but you can also download 94% in French, Spanish, German and portuguese language. The game is called 94-percent, 94-prozent, 94-pourcent, 94-porciento and 94-porcento depending on your language. So see you in next level of 94% Answers and Cheats

For quick and easy answers just see my complete 94% Answers Cheats and Walkthrough (answers by level)