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none* Answers Levels 31

none* Answers Levels 31-40

none* Answers Levels 31-40.No one really knows what none* game is about. It is a very addictive game and the first moment you will start playing it you will love the way it is built. Our website finally has released the answers for this beautiful game so when you get stuck in any level you can check it out here and continue playing. Below you will find the answers for none* Levels 31-40.

none* Answers Levels 31-40:

Level 31 (Cleopatra Was Queen Today Is): Monday / or the current day name
Level 32 (From B1 I Can Go To A3 D2 C3): Knight or Horse
Level 33 (-.-.—-…): Morse
Level 34 (33 + 94 + ?): 53
Level 35 (O degree): 360
Level 36 (If This Level Is Oc Answer Is 63633N): Cocoon
Level 37 (Ppppppp rkbqkbkr): Chess
Level 38 (Dont Judge By The Cover 0930289234): Watchmen
Level 39 (Spaceships): Starwars
Level 40 (Draw Up2 Left1 Up1 Right 0.5 Down 0.5 Right 0.5 Up2 Right 0.5 Down 1 Right 0.5 Up 0.5 Down 1 Left 1 Down 3): Cactus