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Tiny Tower Vegas: Players Club Share

Tiny Tower Vegas: Players Club Share

Tiny Tower Vegas: Players Club Share

Are you looking to gain access to a Tiny Tower Players Club? Anyone can make their own players club in the game Tiny Tower Vegas, but in order to reap the rewards, it’s going to have to have a lot of members. Wether you’re looking to find a players club to join, or you want to promote your up and coming club – this is the place to do it.

What is a Tiny Tower Vegas Players Club?

The players club is a place for Tiny Tower owners to connect and compete with other clubs for tournament prizes. The goal of the tournament is to be the club with the highest amount of bux won at a particular casino floor. If you do not have the casino floor for the tournament, you can try visiting other players to see if they have it. Tournaments are typically four days long, and in that time the game tracks how many bucks each club has earned. The top clubs will receive prizes, and the top members from each club receive prizes as well.

How do I join a Tiny Tower Vegas Players Club?

To join a players club, simply tap the menu button in the bottom right corner, then tap the players club icon. From this screen you can join or start your very own Players Club. To join or start a club just tap the green hashtag and enter the club name. You can also check the club’s total from the players club screen to see the club’s standing and your own personal standing within the club.



What are the Players Club Prizes?

Each of the top 30 members who earned the most bux on the featured casino floor of the top 100 players clubs will receive some pretty great prizes.

The #1 Club receives 50 Casino Chips and a Special Roof.

The #2-10 Clubs receive 25 Casino Chips and a Special Roof.

The #11-100 clubs receive 10 casino chips and a special roof.

Plus, each player who’s a member of any club will receive 5 casino chips just for participating.



What if my Players Club Total is not showing up?

To add to your total, you need to visit the floor with the flashing lights. To find out which casino floor is featured in each tournament, visit the players club screen. In each tournament the floor is different. If you’re lucky the featured floor will be one that you already own. If not, you can connect with other players and visit their hotels to play at their casino.

What are the top Players Clubs?

This changed from day to day, because players can switch clubs at any time. Some of the best clubs to join are:

1. Toucharcade
2. Coza
3. AppCheaters
4. GoonSquad
5. BV
6. Dumbi

You can join any of these top clubs – but we recommend you join the AppCheaters one (wink).

Want to Connect with other Tiny Tower Vegas Players?

If you want to connect with other Tiny Tower Vegas players in order to utilize their casino floors to ensure that you can participate in each tournament, the please share your Tiny Tower Vegas Friend Code in the comments. We’ll feature it in this article and you’ll have to do is watch the friends come rolling through your hotel’s front door.

To find your Tiny Tower Vegas friend code, tap the cloud button from the main menu screen. To add a friend, tap the friend icon from the main menu and add their personalized friend code.