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Icon Pop Quiz Characters Level 2

Icon Pop Quiz Characters Level 2

Icon Pop Quiz Characters Level 2

Icon Pop Quiz – Characters – Level 2 – Walkthrough Answers

 Here is a complete list of answers and cheats hints for Characters answers for Level two 2 of Icon Pop Quiz for iphone, ipad, and android with video above.

Answer: Flash
I’m the fastest man alive

Answer: Sherlock Holmes
The most famous fictitious detective

Answer: Captain Jack Sparrow
Pirate Lord of the Caribbean Sea.

Answer: Yogi Bear

Answer: Piglet

Answer: Mr. Incredible
The Dad of a family of undercover superheroes.

Answer: Wall-E
A robot who is designed to clean up a waste-covered Earth far in the future.

Answer: Eve
Eeeee… va?

Answer: Johnny Bravo
A dumb blond egomaniac who is deluded about his own manliness.

Answer: Pink Panther
World’s most famous panther cartoon.

Answer: Jerry

Answer: Minnie Mouse

Answer: Leonardo
Ninja turtle leader. Names of the four ninja turtles and color.

Answer: Raphael
The strongest ninja turtle.

Answer: Donatello
He is named after the renaissance Italian sculptor.

Answer: Michelangelo
Named after the painter of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

Answer: Perry
Well, he is a platypus. They don’t do much.

Answer: Astro Boy
Robot boy manga character.

Answer: Thomas

Answer: Mr. Bean
A childish and self-centered buffoon who brings various unusual schemes and contrivances to everyday tasks.

Answer: Tazmania
A notoriously short temper and little patience cartoon character.

Answer: Kermit

Answer: Hamm
A wisecracking pastic piggy bank toy.

Answer: Russell
An overweight, 8-year old Wilderness Explorer kid from UP!

Answer: Maggie
Baby’s name from Simpsons.

Answer: Ultraman
Schuwatch! character name

Answer: Monster
Monster name who attacks Japan.

Answer: Casper
The friendly ghost

Answer: Lara Croft
A beautiful, intelligent, and athletic English archaeologist-adventuress. Character name from Tomb Raider games.

Answer: Stitch
Alien experiment who lives in Hawaii

Answer: Bumblebee
Yellow camero that could shape shift into a robot. Yellow robot name from Transformers.

Answer: Darth Vader
Evil emperor from Star Wars, Luke’s father character name.

Answer: Homer
Character name of father from Simpsons.

Answer: Nemo
The one that needs finding. Fish name from finding nemo.

Answer: Robin Hood
Robing from the rich and giving to the poor.

Answer: Ronald McDonald
The clown from the world’s most famous fast food chain McDonald’s.

Answer: Superman
Faster than the speed of light character name.

Answer: Hulk
Giant green superhero smash things character name.

Answer: Bugs Bunny
Eeh what’s up doc? Bunny character name from Looney Tunes.

Answer: Robocop
Cyborg police character name.

Answer: Ernie
Bert’s roommate. Orange character name form Bert and Ernie Seasame Street.

Answer: Bert
Ernie’s roommate. Yellow character name from Bert and Ernie Seasame Street.

Answer: Bender
Bite my shiny metal ass. Futurama robot character name.

Answer: Tweety
Tiny yellow bird from Looney Tunes character name.

Answer: Jimmy Neutron
He is an 11-year-old boy with a stunning IQ and a love for science boy genius character name.

Answer: Hellboy
Dark red superhero with horns cut off character name.

Answer: Hook
Pirate Captain from Peter pan character name.

Answer: Venom
Spiderman’s enemy. The black version of Spiderman character name.