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Pic a Phrase Answers - Levels 365

Pic a Phrase Answers

Pic a Phrase Answers

Pic a Phrase Answers.Be careful not to fall head over heels for this highly addictive puzzle app with all the bells and whistles. I don’t mean to spill the beans about the answers, but just know you’re gonna have a hard time quitting this game cold turkey. We take popular phrases and common expressions and create literal pictures.

Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 1 Answer: Hold your Horses
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 2 Answer: cold Turkey
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 3 Answer: Stool Pigeon
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 4 Answer: Nose Dive
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 5 Answer: Couch Potato
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 6 Answer: Half Hearted
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 7 Answer: Swan Song
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 8 Answer: Potluck
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 9 Answer: Two Peas in a Pod
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 10 Answer: Hit the Hay
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 11 Answer: Bells and Whistles
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 12 Answer: Zip your Lip
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 13 Answer: Top Dog
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 14 Answer: Spill the Beans
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 15 Answer: Read between the Lines
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 16 Answer: Kiss of Death
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 17 Answer: Skeleton in the closet
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 18 Answer: Hand over fist
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 19 Answer: Egg on your face
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 20 Answer: Pass the buck
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 21 Answer: Kangaroo Court
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 22 Answer: The world is your oyster
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 23 Answer: All ears
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 24 Answer: Bad Egg
Pic a Phrase Set 1 Level 25 Answer: Brass Tacks

Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 1 Answer: Raining cats and dogs
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 2 Answer: Frog in your throat
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 3 Answer: Square Meal
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 4 Answer: Hogwash
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 5 Answer: Ducks in a row
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 6 Answer: Push the envelope
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 7 Answer: The Naked Truth
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 8 Answer: An arm and a leg
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 9 Answer: Wolf in sheeps clothing
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 10 Answer: An eye for an eye
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 11 Answer: Cast the first stone
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 12 Answer: Love is Blind
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 13 Answer: Hell in a handbasket
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 14 Answer: Last Straw
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 15 Answer: Hush Puppies
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 16 Answer: Grandfather Clock
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 17 Answer: Road Apples
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 18 Answer: The Bottom Line
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 19 Answer: Sitting Duck
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 20 Answer: In a Nutshell
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 21 Answer: Kick the bucket
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 22 Answer: Bakers Dozen
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 23 Answer: Red Handed
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 24 Answer: Snake oil
Pic a Phrase Set 2 Level 25 Answer: The Pen is Mightier

Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 1 Answer: Over the Hill
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 2 Answer: Crocodile Tears
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 3 Answer: Feather in your Cap
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 4 Answer: Lock Stock and Barrel
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 5 Answer: Apple of my eye
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 6 Answer: Ace up your sleeve
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 7 Answer: Birds and the bees
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 8 Answer: Lame Duck
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 9 Answer: Foot in the door
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 10 Answer: Talk to the hand
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 11 Answer: Elbow Grease
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 12 Answer: Toe the Line
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 13 Answer: Cold Shoulder
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 14 Answer: Loose lips sink ships
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 15 Answer: Pie in the sky
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 16 Answer: Hang by a thread
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 17 Answer: Monkeys Uncle
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 18 Answer: Skating on thin Ice
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 19 Answer: Dead Ringer
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 20 Answer: Fly off the handle
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 21 Answer: Raise the roof
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 22 Answer: A grain of salt
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 23 Answer: Spin Doctor
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 24 Answer: Beat a dead horse
Pic a Phrase Set 3 Level 25 Answer: Three sheets to the wind

Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 1 Answer: One Red Cent
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 2 Answer: Dog Days
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 3 Answer: Break a Leg
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 4 Answer: Pull your Chain
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 5 Answer: Buck stops here
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 6 Answer: White Elephant
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 7 Answer: Bag Lady
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 8 Answer: Fat City
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 9 Answer: Can of Worms
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 10 Answer: On the City
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 11 Answer: Touch and Go
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 12 Answer: Indian Summer
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 13 Answer: Over a Barrel
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 14 Answer: Cook the Books
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 15 Answer: Bite the bullet
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 16 Answer: Flash in the Pan
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 17 Answer: Ship Shape
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 18 Answer: Middle of the Road
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 19 Answer: Drop in the bucket
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 20 Answer: A Shot in the arm
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 21 Answer: Fish out of water
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 22 Answer: Channel Surfing
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 23 Answer: Horses Mouth
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 24 Answer: Four Corners of the Earth
Pic a Phrase Set 4 Level 25 Answer: Prime Time

Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 1 Answer: Cats out of the bag
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 2 Answer: Blue Moon
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 3 Answer: Head over Heels
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 4 Answer: Shortstop
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 5 Answer: Bees Knees
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 6 Answer: The whole nine yards
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 7 Answer: In the Bag
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 8 Answer: Catch 22
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 9 Answer: Little Bird told me
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 10 Answer: Ace in the Hole
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 11 Answer: Upper Hand
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 12 Answer: Drink like a fish
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 13 Answer: Against the grain
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 14 Answer: Second Fiddle
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 15 Answer: A No Brainer
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 16 Answer: Beeline
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 17 Answer: In the Doghouse
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 18 Answer: Piece of cake
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 19 Answer: Paper Tiger
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 20 Answer: Heart of your sleeve
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 21 Answer: On the Dot
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 22 Answer: Diamonds are forever
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 23 Answer: Bean Counter
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 24 Answer: A Moth to a flame
Pic a Phrase Set 5 Level 25 Answer: Battling Windmills

Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 1 Answer: Black Sheep
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 2 Answer: Just Desserts
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 3 Answer: Big Fish in a Small Pond
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 4 Answer: The Eleventh Hour
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 5 Answer: Ankle Bitter
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 6 Answer: Face the Music
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 7 Answer: Card Shark
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 8 Answer: King of the Hill
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 9 Answer: Drop a Dime
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 10 Answer: Salad Days
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 11 Answer: Red Tape
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 12 Answer: Axe to Grind
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 13 Answer: Eat your Words
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 14 Answer: Nickel and Dime
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 15 Answer: Box your Ears
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 16 Answer: On the Ball
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 17 Answer: Back handed compliment
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 18 Answer: Cut the Mustard
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 19 Answer: Son of a gun
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 20 Answer: Jump the Shark
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 21 Answer: Ball and Chain
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 22 Answer: Blue Blood
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 23 Answer: Pipe Dream
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 24 Answer: Well Read
Pic a Phrase Set 6 Level 25 Answer: Silver Bullet

Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 1 Answer: Big Cheese
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 2 Answer: Hit the Books
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 3 Answer: Bury the Hatchet
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 4 Answer: Red Letter Day
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 5 Answer: Catch Eye
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 6 Answer: Fashion Victim
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 7 Answer: Crackpot
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 8 Answer: Piggyback
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 9 Answer: Bee in your Bonnet
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 10 Answer: Five oclock Shadow
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 11 Answer: Bun in the oven
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 12 Answer: With Bells on
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 13 Answer: Cant make heads or tails
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 14 Answer: Tail Wagging the Dog
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 15 Answer: Beg the Question
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 16 Answer: Brass Monkey
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 17 Answer: Man Up
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 18 Answer: A Bird in the Hand
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 19 Answer: Chip on your shoulder
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 20 Answer: Acid Test
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 21 Answer: In a Pickle
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 22 Answer: Spaghetti on the wall
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 23 Answer: Big Wig
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 24 Answer: Above Board
Pic a Phrase Set 7 Level 25 Answer: Gift of Gab

Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 1 Answer: Below the Belt
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 2 Answer: Marital Aid
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 3 Answer: Bark up the wrong tree
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 4 Answer: Cock and Bull Story
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 5 Answer: Happy as a Clam
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 6 Answer: In Shinning Armor
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 7 Answer: A Rose is a Rose is a Rose
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 8 Answer: Cat got your Tongue
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 9 Answer: The Big Apple
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 10 Answer: Round Robin
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 11 Answer: Flying Colors
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 12 Answer: Candle at both Ends
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 13 Answer: Graveyard Shift
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 14 Answer: Cart Before the horse
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 15 Answer: Salt of the Earth
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 16 Answer: Toast of the town
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 17 Answer: Birds of a Feather
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 18 Answer: Spin a yarn
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 19 Answer: Thinking Cap
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 20 Answer: A Wing and a Prayer
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 21 Answer: Blind Leading the Blind
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 22 Answer: Riding Shotgun
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 23 Answer: A Rose by any name
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 24 Answer: Green Thumb
Pic a Phrase Set 8 Level 25 Answer: Ants in the pants