The biggest benefits of clearing the entire board include the ability for you to use the Final Attack, but you can make your attack even more impressive by chaining all your heroes together. Remember that each consecutive chain strengthens your attack, but also keep in mind that each hero’s circle point needs to be adjacent so you can link them.
You can check your heroes’ remaining mana by looking at the purple bar underneath each hero, on the bottom of your display. Since mana charges quickly whenever someone moves and attacks, you can feel free to go nuts with those active skills.
In a bonus tip related to the second, using a hero’s active skills would work especially well if you’re talking about a hero like Clara the Cleric. That’s because she can target all your allied heroes with her heal skill, thus allowing you to heal everyone in your team in one go.
Majority of heroes in Dungeon Link have a dash skill, or a skill they can only use when they’re “dashing” on the path you had made for them. Since this game has more than 250 different heroes, you should be familiar with the dash skills of whomever you’ve got on your team; remember, these skills can do great damage without you having to meet your enemies head-on.
The short answer is this – it’s different from how you’d enhance heroes in your typical RPG, because you can sacrifice one hero, no more and no less, to enhance another. This makes choosing the right hero extremely important, so with that in mind, you should prioritize efficiency when choosing someone to be sacrificed for the good of another. It would usually be best to choose a hero whose rank and level is closest to the hero who’s being enhanced.
Last, but not the least, let’s talk elements. It’s very simple, but to remind you (or inform you) about the rock-paper-scissors dynamic in this game, it is as follows – fire beats wood, wood beats water, water beats fire.