Those obstacles can be a hassle, and there’s more than meets the eye to the apparently simple task. Fear not, as our compilation of Mr. Square tips, cheats, and tricks can help you clear more levels despite those troubles.
While the best thing about this game is that it allows you to take your time and plan your moves carefully, arguably the “worst” thing about it is that Ludic Side purposely did not include an undo button. You need to be absolutely sure about the moves you make, because once they’ve been inputted, that’s it; should you be forced to restart, you can always take down the move patterns beforehand or try to memorize them, so you can remember what you did right and what you didn’t.
Another good thing is that the game doesn’t have any energy system. That means you can retry the levels as often as you have to. And you can always take breaks and rest your mind if the levels get to be too tricky for you. It’s never good to be playing while tired, as it becomes easier to make careless mistakes or get frustrated with the game.
Every chapter included in Mr. Square has its own shtick, or unique feature that sets it apart. For instance, Chapter Two will have you controlling two Mr. Squares simultaneously. Each level in the chapter has this special feature in mind, and other features you may encounter include boost pads and portals. Sometimes the answer all boils down to the space surrounding the special tile, so try keeping that in mind as well.
With each completed level, you can earn some coins. But we suggest not using those coins carelessly and needlessly, as you’ll need to pay coins to unlock succeeding chapters. Sure, it’s all well and good to buy a new character skin, but that doesn’t change the gameplay one bit; all changes are merely cosmetic and simply make your character look different.
We did promise you some cheats and we’re not going to let you down, as we’ve saved the best for last. Here are the solutions to all the levels in Chapter 1 of Mr. Square:
U: Up, R: Right, L: Left, D: Down
1-1: R
1-2: D, R, U, L, D, R, U
1-3: U, R, D, L, D, R, U, L, D
1-4: U, R, D, L, D, L, U, R, U, L
1-5: R, U, L, D, L, D, R, U, R, D, L
1-6: L, U, R, D, R, U, R, D, L, D, L, U, L, D
1-7: L, U, R, D, L, D, R, D, L, U, R, U, L, U
1-8: D, R, D, L, D, R, U, L, U, R, U, R
1-9: R, U, R, U, L, D, R, D, L, D, L, D, R, U, L
We hope that our collection fo Mr. Square tips and tricks will help you get the most out of the game and you will complete as many levels as possible. If you have any other tips for the game, feel free to share them with us!