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Honor Bound Guides: Easy Coins Farming

Honor Bound Guides: Easy Coins Farming

We already taught you how to grind for easy XP so you can level up faster and today we want to use this opportunity to share to you how can you farm more coins on Honor Bound easily. Coins are very essential in game especially in doing research while some players decided to purchase it with premium currency, there are some farm it in different ways. We here to share to you couples of ways on getting additional coins.

Raise the cap of your vault. The common mistake of most players in losing coins is failed to upgrade their vault. As you reached your coin cap, you are not able to farm coins anymore and this will lead you to lose potentially collected coins for your account. To avoid this, ensure you have always a frequent upgrade (through research) of your vault.

Increase your income through research. Now that you already increase your cap, this will be followed by getting hit it as possible. In the other words, you need to increase your income and to make it happen you should consider to research coin scavenger to improve your coin generation upon completing every dungeon.

Dungeon farming. Already increased your bonus coins to generate for every dungeon finished. Now it is time to maximize it by frequently completing dungeon or farming. In farming, you better pick a good dungeon to play with. Definitely you should consider the difficulty of it base on your approach on how you play that level, coins that you can gather every run and the time you consume for every run. Of course you might like to farm on stage that you can finish in lightening fast.

Turning your heroes into coins. Through dungeon farming, there is a possibility for your to get new heroes. Repeatedly doing this will give you lots of heroes so for you to make a benefits from it, you better unlock the banish ritual in research where it can let you turn your heroes into coins. You should use this on turning rare and epic heroes. It is not actually difficult to capture those high-ranked heroes due to capture percentage glitch. With this bug you can easily manage to get high class hero including legendary and turn it to a coin for additional resources. With this feature you can get additional 450 coins for common heroes, 600 coins with uncommon, 800 coins for rare, 2000 coins for epic and lastly 5,000 coins with legendary heroes.

Maximize the usage of rogue in your team. This hero has the ability to steal coins or even items from enemies during fight (not working in PvP battle.) With rogues, they can help you get additional 50%-100% more coins for every run. This is perfect as you just started playing the game and don’t have enough stable income of coins. So ensure to have rogue in your team and use steal skill as much as possible.

You will never be rich unless you save. Applicable in real life and definitely in Honor Bound. So you must save coins as possible. Instead of purchasing potions, you can easily grind it in dungeons. You can also use cleric as your primary source of healing instead of using potions. Consumable items such as potions is the primary expenses in game, so if you can use an alternative on it, definitely you can save enough coins for research.