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Ridge Racer Slipstream Walkthrough Guides

Ridge Racer Slipstream Walkthrough Guides

If you really video game fanatic maybe you are already from aware the original version of Ridge Racer 2o years ago on Playstation and now we can play Ridge Racer Slipstream on iOS and Android powered gadget. Just like the original version, you will get contact with several fake tracks and cars to compete with while as you go make progress there are lots of stuff to unlock. For first time player, you can read tips and tricks below to get some advantage of playing.

Compare to other racing game, here you have multiple options with your control such as auto gas and manual acceleration, tilt turn and tap turning. If you are going to ask us what is the good option to work with, we will say that when it comes to turning, just go with your preferences. If you can do a good turn with tilting, you can go work for it while if you like to play with tap turning you can also set the option for it but when it comes to acceleration definitely the better is playing the game with manual set up. Manual acceleration can let you do the drift, yes you can do a drift, don’t forget that this game is developed by Namco thus there are lots of feature this game offered compare to other racing game that you can download for free.

The game focus in different perspective and among them is the correct usage of drifting technique. Actually in this game, you will never find drifting so challenging to do. As a matter of fact you don’t need to hit the brakes if you do it right. The trick is to simply let off the gas and do a tight turn to sharp corner and then go for gas again once you start turning on favorable direction. In this game, you really don’t need to do drifting always as you can still manage it with standard turning technique what you really need to do is to familiarize yourself with the map so you would know if you need to drift or not.

If you think that your current stage challenge you a lot that not let you to finish, you can go back on the previous stage to grind for more coins and let you upgrade your car. Definitely with upgrade, it will greatly boost the stats of your car and let you win the game. There is no such term “gameover” on this game what you really need to have is patience for coin grinding. There are some instances that you already completed available races but still your money is not enough to purchase cars in the next category, from here you will find that grinding coins from previous stages will definitely help you.

Stays in the middle. This is a rule of thumb for any racing game. While staying in the middle will give you more flexibility in turning either left and right also giving you much challenge those opponent from your behind.

The game also coined as the best racing game for mobile because of 8 multiplayer feature. It is really rare for mobile apps to let you play with your friends but with Namco’s Ridge Racer Slipstream you can invite 7 more friends on Facebook to compete with you in one race.