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Chaos Fighters Guides: Guild System

Chaos Fighters Guides: Guild System

 We want to open this guide for some questions and guides for guild system as many players still don’t have a clearer view regarding with this topic. Though we mentioned the term on our walkthrough guides, this post will give you a full idea on how guild works on Chaos Fighters. As a beginner you will not get interested on this topic yet as you are only enjoying the game but later on as you work with your gameplay and believe you are strong enough, it is time to try it with guild.

The number one objective of having a guild is to increase its level. Upon increasing the level of your guild, you need to bring reputation towards their guild. It computes like this, one reputation point will give you one EXP point for your guild. So your next question should be, how can you earn reputation? Well you can easily gather reputation by just join and complete events that will result for giving you reputation. There are also guild events in game that will give participants a reputation for their guild. From here you will notice the responsibility of every member to lift their guild to the top. Anyway what is the purpose of guild in Chaos Fighters?

Actually this is not the same with typical MMORPG where you can do guild wars or battle but here this is about reputation, ranking and some compensation of having a guild. But who knows maybe couples of months to come we will experience the same guild wars we experience from playing MMORGP. Well for the purpose of guild to you as individual, for every guild events they are related with guild level so if you guild level up, new guild event will be unlock for their guildsmen to complete. A guild has a level and a level here is a skill that members will possess based on the level of their guild for example is the drumroll guild event, with this event every guildsmen can obtain reputations once per day. For drumroll there are 3 kinds of drums and every drum has different reputation to bring.

Aside from skill, the guild level is related with guild population. Yes you have a limit to follow for every guild and you can only enhance your limit upon getting a new level. For formal saying, every time your guild levels up, the maximum numbers of members you can invite also increases by one.

Here it goes the guild event 2 the Crack Eggs where every guild member will acquire a large amount of gold daily and also a chance for free diamonds and energy. Here you need to have guild level 1.

For guild event 3 with 7-Star Formation, here you can complete the formation with other teammates and it will let you earn reputation daily. If members completed the formation he can help others conquer it but won’t get rewards repeatedly. Here they need to acquire guild level 2.

Now here comes the guild event 4 which is Guild War where you need to compete and be the top 8 guild with the highers weekly guild contribution for every server. The guild war will be held once a week and you need to achieve guild level 2 for it.

Lastly the guild event 5 or the Immortal Spring where every guild has 1 chance to summon immortal spring. The summoner will get 1,000 reputation automatically and other members can drink the springs for them to get reputation and energy too. In addition, guildsmen who drink will bring the summoner 50 reputation. This is the event with the highest guild level requirement.

For now that are the available event for guild as we are expecting more event in the future later on, so don’t forget to bookmark this website (CTRL+D) so you can return here instantly for more Chaos Fighters updates, guides and tips.

Including with the guild system, there is a weekly guild contribution that will stand as the total reputation that all guild members acquire over the week. The weekly guild contribution will be based whether a guild is ale to participate in a guild war or not. Like what we said, only the top 8 guilds with the highest contribution can join for every server.

To start this guild system to your gameplay, you should join a guild first by applying in guild interface and submit an application there. Every application will require approval from guild master while you can send up to 3 different applications at once for different guilds.

If happens that you are the guild master/leader, you can add new guild member by check applicants in the verify column located at the guild interface. You can add 20 new members daily under specific limit based with your guild level.