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MLB Perfect Inning: Player Training Guides

MLB Perfect Inning: Player Training Guides

As we reviewed MLB Perfect Inning for a warm welcome and shared link where players can download the full version of the game for free, now we want to share to you a player level and training guides. If you have a question about how to train and level up your player, this guide will explain to you a step by step on how to train your player so you can manage your team better.

Training can let you improve and level up your players to the fullest. You must be aware that your player stats can change according to the season. Meaning to say, even you have stronger player now, this can become weaker later if without a proper manage. So you should always stick with a proper training for specific player to maximize its full potential on the league. Training and leveling up your players can definitely give you an advantage for your team and set bonus in MLB Perfect Inning.

Basic Training

As a beginner, you will never feel the embrace of giving you a good jumpstart because you will find this game difficult especially for you as a newbie. Because your training has not yet started and instead your just saving resource to train your player you really need patience. In game you will encounter 5 different classes such as Bronze is the lowest class and Signature is the highest. As a beginner you have a line up of bronze player that you can’t send for training but don’t feel sorry about them because you can use them as feeder.

So when you start playing the game, just collect from the beginner’s packages and then use auto place first. Overall, the game will manage your players based on their stats and there you will see couple of bronze players in your storage. Definitely those higher class have a better stats while lower rank has lower stats. So the trick here is to keep on getting new players for your team and use them based on their rank.

So you have Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Silver (sort from least to highest) and if you are decided to train a player, you can pick a stat that you want to boost on training. Training undergo by feeding the master card with your sacrificed card that happen to be the lower class. Just like what we mentioned, bronze tend to be a feeder as they can’t level up naturally. In training, the game will only let you choose those players that is possible for you to train. From there you can double tap the players to select and start training. There is also a chance for you to tap the card at the right to see the current status of this card and it’s training potential.

The trick in training is that you must have extra players in your storage to train with your existing players. In addition, you can only get new players through drafting feature of the game. To play this part according to your advantage you must keep your silver players and move them into your roster and train them using bronze card that tend to be a feeder for silver players.

Keep in your mind that is not good decision to not training your players as soon as possible until you have enough to train for a full blast level. It is because you may receive better players as you make progress in game. The only thing you need to mind now is how can you make progress by winning every match.

Master Training

To fulfill the master training you need to train your character to the max potential. This potential rating is shown as the rectangle boxes next to your player stats. There you can see how many training that your players need to undergo before it can reach the master level. You can also view the current training level through the boxes that have been lit up. This master training can let your character possess a new rank. For instance you are currently on Silver class, once it trained on mastery, this character will lift its tier.

Once you mastered a certain players, you have two selection for them. The first one is to simply use stars and the second is to feed it with another master players. If happen that you decided to feed them with another mastered card, you need to follow the limitation on what kind of player that you can use. For instance the two cards must be alike like: a drafted gold player after you have mastered it you can only level it up with another drafted player. In addition you can’t use a gold player from a previous silver card that had been ranked up.

Another thing you need to consider is when you have a a leveled up player from a previous silver class, you can only enhance it with another player that had been leveled up. You can’t use your drafted gold player to upgrade it. While if you decided to use gold to level up, there is a chance of failure on it. And if happens that you fail, you lose your mastered feed card and keep the main player card.

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