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Stay In The Line Walkthrough Guides and Tricks

Stay In The Line Walkthrough Guides and Tricks

This game kicked Weed Firm from being topped on App Chart and this made us interested to know more about this game. Well what is this game all about and why Stay In The Line already hitched the top rank without making a massive impact of terms of promotion or company background. Well this game will challenge you to guide a dot through an ever-changing lane in the entire gameplay. Actually what makes this game interesting to play is the difficult factor that most players described it as impossible challenge to do. But as long as you try it hard the longer it will make you realize that you are enjoying the game and you want to spend hours to solve it. And so we are here to help you in making a high score so you can compete with your friends and be inspired in playing Stay In The Line.

1. Not all stages are possible to beat. That is the fact and it doesn’t matter how hard you try it will only put you down. So it is a good mind set that there are some stages that are impossible to beat. So you should not take it seriously if case that you failed in some stages. The explanation here is because the game randomly generates routes every time you play and sometimes there is a glitch in those routes that made it impossible to beat. Anyway don’t worry because the replay button is always there to give you another chance.

2. Take it slowly. Yes swiping fast will give you a better reflexes and a good practice too but as a beginner you should consider moving and swiping should be flowing perfectly. Don’t play to harsh like you are playing Bonsai Slice  or any slicing based game. In this game, it comes that a sudden swipe are more difficult to control and most of the time it will likely to end up hitting a wall. The trick here is to keep your flow smooth with your swipes.

3. Use your thumb skin and your fingernail at the same time. It is good practice instead of dragging your bare sking along the screen, you can drag your fingernail and your thumb skin at the same time along the skin. This will makes simpler to slide the cursor along your way than to have a conflict with your sweaty finger that will make it drag across the screen. Here you can accommodate it with great speed compare with other fingering techniques.

4. Draw your route. Just like what we’ve mentioned, playing Stay In the Line is pretty difficult thus you should find different techniques by yourself that will make it easier for you to play the game. So one of the hardest scene in playing this game is that when you are tapping at the bottom of the screen and not on the dot that happens makes the whole thing a lot less natural. So the trick here is to draw the pattern of the road  instead of simply swiping your finger from different direction. Through this technique, you will find it more natural way to do.

5.  Double your score. If you are serious in biting the competition ahead, you can consider the pro version of the game where you can get a doubled score permanently. Here you need to pay $0.99 before getting the advantage of doubling points every time you play. So if you think that your friends are doing it far ahead of you, they might be downloaded Stay In The Line cheats or access the pro version of the game. With this your 300 points will become 600 and technically this is your bet upon reaching the score more than 1,000. If you want to invest in this game, buying the pro version will help you a lot in game.

6.  Removing ads. Yes it is really annoying and that is the reason why other players who don’t mind spending cash made an upgrade in ads-removal. This is just like playing the game in pro version only this time you will play it with no advertisement. Actually, you really don’t need get cash from your pocket that as you can use this cheat to get rid of those annoying ads. The trick here is to shut the date and the wifi off on your gadget and then switch them to airplane mode while you are playing. There you go, you can now play the game without those ads. But actually showing ads on your end means supporting the game developers as this is the only way for them to make money in return so they can develop and publish more games and apps in the future.

7. Play the game on bigger screen. Screen affects your entire gameplay as bigger screen makes a big difference especially when placing the ball more accurately and getting it through the paths. So if you have option to play between iPhone and iPad, go over iPad and earn the advantage from it. You can also try it yourself what makes you comfortable to play with.