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Age of Fury 3D Walkthrough Strategy Guides

Age of Fury 3D Walkthrough Strategy Guides

 This game is a big threat for Clash of Clans as it has a content that can compete with the game that bring the original concept of real time strategy game on mobile device. Age of Fury 3D has cutting edge graphics and features that can bring this genre to another level of video game entertainment. Because we really love to play such game, we are here to share to you some tricks and tips of playing Age of Fury 3D that we found effective not only in this game but already used in test of time. Well let’s check this guide especially for beginners who wish to enjoy such game.

1. Focus on resource building first. This is the rule of a thumb in playing any real time strategy game. I know that it is really fun to start competing with real players through multiplayer as well as seeing your forces dominated your opponent but if you are thinking for a good starting line that will work from the very beginning, you should start building your resources first so you will have supply in your starting line. There is nothing to worry about defending your kingdom because no one will attack your kingdom just to steal such small amount of resources you have. Unless you are making lots of money, that is the time you should be aware on making a strong defense. So instead of working with your defense, just go for improving your resources that will let you build more upgrades, produce more offensive units, bringing the best defense for your kingdom and give you a better progress in the long run.

2. Go in multiplayer over single player. Yeah it is different from other guides we shared as we are working on single player first as here you will find easy opponent compare in attacking real time players and face their defense. But in Age of Fury 3D, the single player missions is very difficult especially for low level players that will only waste your troops. I know by attacking other players may let you vulnerable for some attacks because it will let you remove your shield and let your kingdom be able to conquer with other players but thinking about how ineffective you are in fighting on single player, it is still better for you to go on multiplayer. The trick in multiplayer is to find players with a lot of resources to steal as well as if it is possible for you to take down their defenses based on what you currently have. Because this is still a new game, it is easy to find beginner players who don’t have a good defense system and ransack all their resources.

3. Use power by number tricks. In the early phase of your game, you can rely on power-by-number strategy. Here you don’t need to think about any strategy but to deploy cheap and weak troops as many as you can. For you to do it, you need to upgrade your Military Schools so you can generate good numbers of units. This is the reason why I mentioned it is better to have lots of resources as this will become your basic strategy as a beginner. This is effective in most cases as most players in multiplayer don’t have complicated type of defense as well as in single player. But don’t forget that this will gonna work on the early game, because as you make progress in game, you will face great challenge that will require you to formulate your best strategy and not only relying on number of units.

4. Fewer units the better. We already mentioned the power by number tricks where you need to deploy as many units as you can but actually in playing this game, you better put in your mind that the fewer units you use to win the game is the better. Here you need to formulate your strategy on how can you use each piece to become effective in battle that will not require you to deploy lots of units. Definitely, with fewer units you would have an extra units to deploy for your next attack. This will not consume all your resources as well as it is a good achievement for yourself that you can win the game even with minimum number of units. Later on, with your effective strategy you can think that you have still a last resort once you face tough challenge. Using your effective strategy you can push it for broader margin with the help of a number of units to win great challenge.

5. Pick an good opponent. The good thing in this game is you have in your finger the decision to attack or not a certain opponent. So the trick in finding a good opponent are those who have lots of resources to ransack but don’t have a concrete defense. Like what we’ve said it is not rare to find such opponent as there are lots of beginners in game who don’t know how to play with the concept of the game. But first you must know yourself and how powerful and weak you are. You are the only one who knows your capability in battle. From here it is not good to push yourself to hard in battle that will only let you lose units and definitely be defeated.

6. Use Horn wisely. Compare to other real time strategy game, horn makes Age of Fury 3D to be unique. Here you have horn that stands as a good power-up to boost your entire gameplay. Unfortunately the game will not give you such tutorial about this feature so we are here to share to you about this power up and how can you use this effectively. You can activate horn for the first three days after starting the game. This will allows you to call back troops that you deploy in battle. This will let you reuse those deployed units that didn’t fall in battle. This is definitely useful as you can use your units to the fullest because you don’t need to wait for them to finish their training. For you to activate the horn just tap the horn button during the first minute of the battle. You will find it located in the lower left side of the screen.

7. Hide your resources. We mentioned that it is a good practice to work with your resources in the early phase of the game to have a better start. But as you reach the mid phase, you should start hiding your resources by not building too much resources and storage. Storage can let you hold massive numbers of resources that can catch the attention of other players to attack you. Definitely their basis in attacking someone (even you) is when they see lots of resources to be ransacked there. So if you can hide it by building few storage as well as using your resources before your shield runs out and vulnerable for some attack, other players will not get interested on your kingdom to attack. Although some achievements and upgrades will require you to have specific level of storage/resources you must work with it of course.

8. Time to focus on improving your military. As you are your midway in glory having a stable resources not from your resources building actually but by attacking other players and good defense system, it is time to focus on your offense. Actually in Age of Fury 3D, defending is not really important because even you have the best defense system in game, real players can still crack it down as that part will not be controlled by you but with AI the only thing here is that you are the one who arrange such defense. From here you will think of instead of improving other branch, it is time to build up your military or offensive sectors so you can attack different players especially those who have concrete defenses with tons of resources.

9. Use you entire area as possible. To make it happens you should clean the mess first. As you build your stronghold, you must use big area as possible to become part of your strategy in building defenses, resources, etc. Cleaning debris will cost you much in your resources so try only to expand your area when you don’t have something to buy and you want only to hide your extra resource by purchasing something in game.

10. Early games requires lots of game time. In early phase of the game, most action will require your short period to complete. If you are serious in playing this game, you should play the game often so you can manage your building/upgrading and other actions effective. You should make your entire base busy in making it powerful. Don’t forget that every action is still lies in you. Don’t worry because as you make progress in game, most actions will require you hours or even days to complete with this, you really don’t need to play the game every minute or hours. From here you can strategize your log-in based on how your actions requires you to wait. It is better to do different things than to wait for it like forever as this will require you long wait actually.